Pet revive time, do hunters enjoy it?

I get why Blizzard want’s a Pet revive time, it’s kind of dumb not having one as there is no point killing someones pet. This is one of the problems with having pet classes in games.

I think a good change over this would be if we got a buff over time, so the longer our pets are dead the faster the cast. I think a 4s hard cast is too long, at least let us move while casting it. There are plenty of changes that could be made that limit us without screwing over people in PvP as SV and BM have too much damage tied to their pet.

How about this, in addition to our 4s revive timer we also add pet self revive mwchanic where if it is jot revived within 4s he will start casting a revive to revive itself within next 3-4 s (faster if casted in addition to revive pet)

I think its great!

It gives me time to do chores around the house and when i come back my pet is usually almost finished rezzing.

Its FAN-FRICKING-TASCTIC. Can’t wait for more “improvements”.


I don’t like it, but at the same time, they did have to do something about it. Pet death should have some penalty, and it really hasn’t for a long time now.

Anyone who thinks they can get a pet back up in arena with a 4sec cast time (without using turtle) vs competent players is not worth arguing with.

1st of all there is spell pushback from being attacked so it’s a 5sec revive. Then there is Interrupts, stuns, fear dr cc’s, poly dr cc’s, knockbacks (including ring of peace which can knock you even in turtle.)

Good luck.

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There is already a penalty for having a pet lol. A healer on a 3v3 team with no pets has to heal 3 targets. Use mana for 3 targets. A healer with a pet on the team works harder, mend pet alone can not keep a pet up. So the healer on the team with a pet has to constantly spend mana and effort to target the pet. So you are saying that there should be a drastic penalty for the person who was already working harder.