Pet Damage Reduction

It’s a start, but not nearly good enough.

Here’s what I’d do…

  • Make pet health equal to 100% of player health.

  • Increase pet armor for all pets by about 50%. More for Tenacity pets.

  • Increase dodge by about 20%. More for Cunning pets.

  • Increase damage by about 20%. More for Ferocity pets.

  • Remove the cooldown on Mend Pet.

Then, maybe, pets would start to be scary again. Right now it feels like getting attacked by a teacup poodle, not a wolf.

  • 100% health of the player → I agree and would add: 120% for Tenacity pets
  • I’d go for 30% armor increase for Ferocity and Cunning (50% would make them way too tanky). And would add 40~50% for Tenacity adding a 10% more healing received.
  • Would give 20% dodge for Cunning Pets only.
  • Would give 20% more damage for Ferocity Pets only.
  • Would give 10% less damage for Tenacity.
    Removing the cooldown on Mend Pet isn’t the issue, it’s a HoT, would be more reliable to make it 1 out of 2 of this:
    1 - Flat heal out of the gcd
    2 - Keep it as HoT but take it out of GCD

:laughing: :rofl: true

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The only change I want to see to SV hunter is a new focus generator that doesn’t rely on my pet. That’s the one issue I see in all pvp situations

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Check this topic that i’ve created, i kept the pvp situation in mind when i suggested the change to KC.

Mend Pet lasts 10 seconds and has a 10 second CD. It’s already a 100% uptime and removing the CD does absolutely nothing. Although removing it from the GCD would be a dream come true.

The other changes would actually buff our pets into the stratosphere. I mean, if my pet has the same amount of health as me AND has more armor than me… that’s a 2v1. Also, mend pet heal scales with health pools, so more health = bigger heal since it’s a flat 50% of pet’s max health over 10 seconds.

While I wouldn’t mind my pet literally being a God, I feel like it would be unfair to other classes in the long term.

They should just buff pet stamina by 25% and lower pet rez in pvp to 2 seconds. That would solve most of the problems.

I agree, and also take less damage in instances.

Everyone makes good points. Especially about mend pet just needing to be off the GCD.

I know the numbers need to be tweaked but the points remain that pets need to be addressed. They’re way too weak in their current form.

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They can be left exactly how they are if they’d just make pet Rez 2 seconds. The 4 second Rez timer is proven it’s to much in the fast paced meta

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