Hello everybody, i’d want to give some suggestion about changes to the spec of survival hunter.
I really love the spot the spec it has been thus far in shadowlands, yet i still can see lots’o room for it to improve and change. I’d love to see some more changes in talents and abilities so they can be more appealable.
Keep in mind that a few of these suggestions are bound to another
Flanking Strike
- Talent that makes you and your pet to leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing total of + physical damage. Generates 30 Focus for you and your pet. 30s/cd. 15yrd range
Birds of Prey
- Talent, passive that only works when Coordinated Assault are up. Attacking the SAME target as your pet with mongoose bite/raptor strike/butchery/carve extends the duration of coordinated Assault by 1.5s
Tip of the Spear
- Talent passive that makes the kill command increases the damage of your next mongoose bite/raptor strike by 25% and it can stack up to 3 times.
Mongoose Bite
- Talent that replaces raptor strike dealing 90% of Attack power as physical damage and granting Mongoose Fury(Increases Mongoose Bite by 15% for 14s, stacking up to 5 times with no duration reset)
Hydra’s Bite
- Talent passive - Serpent Sting Fires arrows at 2 additional enemies near your target, and its damage over time is increased by 20%
- Talent that replçaces carve attacking 5 nearby enemies dealing 88% of attack power as phyisical damage, 8yrd, 9s/cd, 30 focus, 3 charges.
Viper’s Venom
- Talent passive (proc aprox. of 3+haste)/min. Mongoose Bite/Raptor Strike has a chance to make your next Serpent Sting cost no Focus and deal na additional 250% initial damage.
Terms of Engagement
- Talent passive that makes Harpoon delas 50% attack power as physical damage and generates 20 focus over 10 sec. Killing na enemy resets the cooldown of Harpoon
Kill Command
- 50yrd range, 1charge, 6s recharge, generates 15 focus. Physical damage [Attack Power * 0.6 * (1+Versa) *1].
Wildfire Bomb
- 40yrd range, 1 charge, 18s recharge, explodes for 45% attack power as fire damage in a cone and coat the enemies with wildfire, scorching them for 90% of attack power as fire damage over 6s.
Aspect of the Eagle
Increases the range of your raptor strike to 40yds for 15s. 1.5min/cd, instant.
Flanking Strike
Replacing Kill Command as baseline ability to generate focus. Makes you and your pet to strike as one, dealing total of physical damage equal to [Attack Power * 0.55 * (1 + Versa) * 1] and slowing the target by 5%. 2 charges. 6s/cd. Generates 15 focus, 5yrd range.
Pack strike talent replacing Flanking Strike as talent: This ability applies vulnerable position to the enemy causing them to receive 5% more crit from the hunter and the pet.
Birds of Prey - Talent
Rename the talent to Predatory Behavior. Each normal attack that crits resets the cooldown of flanking strike and Raptor/Mongoose bite.
Talent, passive, row level 50.
Similar mechanic to Lock’n load from MM 50lvl talent row
Tip of the Spear - Talent
Talent passive that makes your raptor strike apply bleed for 15% of the damage dealt, for 9 seconds, it can stack up to 3 times. Crits resets the effect.
If talented with Wolverine Bite, it apply infectious bite instead, causing 18% of necrotic damage dealt for 9 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. Crits resets the
Mongoose Bite - Talent
Change the talent name to Wolverine Bite. Talent that replaces raptor strike dealing 90% of Attack power as physical damage and granting Wolverine Ferocity(Increases Wolverine Bite by 20% for 10s, stacking up to 5 times, if Wolverine bite crits it resets the timer and creates 1 stack of Wolverine Fury that applies 3% attack speed for you and your pet for 10s, this effect stacks up to 3 times crit resets this effect). Each stack of Wolverine Fury takes away one maximum stack from Wolerine Ferocity at a time to a maximum of 3, making the Wolverine Furocity having a maximum of 2 stacks whenever there are 3 Wolverine Fury stacks.
Hydra’s Bite - Talent
Change the name to Skunky bear. Serpent Sting now applies a stinky cloud at the area of the main target when the timer of Serpent sting expires. This stinky cloud reduces every enemy attack power by 15% and slowing the casting time of casters inside it by 15%, has a 10seconds duration and are applied to a 8yds area.
Butchery - Talent
Change the name to Spear Sweep. Talent passive. Changes the yrds from Carve to 10yards in front of the Hunter. 2 charge. 10s recharge. While Carve has charges, no focus are spent to use Carve with an additional of 30% to its damage. by the use of the charge.
Viper’s Venom - Talent
Raptor strike / Wolverine Bite has a chance to apply Posioned Cut. Poisoned cut cause the enemy to take (18% of attack power) Nature damage over 3 seconds. Each successful attack that applies Poisoned Cut also adds another 3 seconds to the duration of Serpent Sting.
Terms of Engagement
Every 15 Focus you spend reduces cooldown of Harpoon by 1 sec
Kill Command
Replace the talent Guerrila tactics to Kill Command. Passive makes your pet gets free from any impairing effect whenever you Flank Strike.
Wildfire Bomb
Make 2 charges baseline. Incrases the damage to (80% of attack power) as fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for (110% of attack power) as fire damage over 6 sec.
Aspect of the Eagle
- Increases the range of all the abilities that are melee or short ranged to 40yds for 15s, including raptor strike/mongoose bite, flanking strike suggested and carve. For carve the eagle would explode whenever it landed to the main target to keep the AoE damage. 1.5min/cd, instant. If talented with tip of the spear, it does NOT apply the effects of the talent.
Remove the requirements to use 2handed weapon from the survival spec.
- Focus regen are too dependant of the pet right now, and for those whom have played enough with this spec has already stumbled across some situations where your pet are stuck or else, dead (4seconds to ress) or bugged(which happens a lot).
- I could say, for sure, that at least 50% of the talents are never used, or if they are its by mistake or not from main players of the spec.
- I’d love to see some changes, mainly to get rid of the depedancy of kill command and have some different choices from our talents.
- Lack of a reliable single target damage output