Pet agro is awful now?

Stomp alone used to be able to hold packs no problemo, 90% of our damage being pet… Now i have mobs chasing me even after they’ve been hit with MULTIPLE kill commands.
Is viscous hunt pulling stupid agro? Wtf is going on here. If growl wasn’t actively used on target it’s probably coming for me.


I noticed too, seems like Beast Cleave is doing 0 aggro or something like that and Stomp isn’t strong enough. If i’m not using misdirection or Feign Death occassionally i’m getting mobs chasing after me.


Also noticing this, wonder if this is bugged or intentional

Edit: Bug report thread here: Hunter pets not holding aggro


Came here to second this. I started noticing my pet become weaker around level 78, loses aggro all the time and started taking lots more damage than the previous levels. As with others saying above, this seems very apparent when using AOE abilities.

Tested this with scalehide, and clefthoof and saw no difference.


This is a well known issue among all pet classes. Theres even a thread in the warlock section talking about the same thing. My first character im lvling is a warlock and im experiencing the same issue on mt voidwalker.

I killed things too fasr the first 4 lvls to knotice however afterword i began to see how bad it is voidwalker is essentially useless as a tank pet. I think im going yo have an easyer time soloing world content on my pally then this mess.


Yeah, my next to level is definitely going to be a paladin. Hopefully they can sort this out pretty quickly since I imagine this will make delves incredibly painful on pet reliant classes.

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Maybe this is on purpose to make delves not a cakewalk for pet class so people who are a pet class can’t complain.

Level 3 delves, with a gear level of around 530 after reaching level 80, are already a pain in the tookus. I spend more time spamming “Heal Pet” sometimes than doing damage. Bran needs a real tank spec.


Oof, hate to hear it but not surprised. Maybe by the time I get back from my work trip Blizz will have figured something out and fixed pet issues. (I can hope, right?)

Is this a BM issue? In Marks, Ive had no issues. Though I also use MD. But havent had any issues with agro.

It’s kinda look like it may be. People on the bug report forum who did some testing are reporting that it looks like stomp is assigning aggro to the hunter, not the pets, and that a couple of the pack leader hero talents may be doing the same.


they seem to bugger up pet aggro every expansion. that along with the splitting of mend/revive “bug” has really screwed us (also how crap mend is now)

also lol if stomp is bugged like that. thats stupid


Yeah the pet aggro is bad to the point of it feeling bugged.


Sometimes Growl just stops working, and I have to summon another pet to fix it.

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growl doesn’t work in delves at all. warlock felguards work a bit better because it’s just a high threat stance and felguards do a lot of aoe damage baseline but it’s still very easy to pull off any pet right now in delves and open world.

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Yes, pet aggro is hot garbage right now. I am regularly being brought to death’s door because whatever is going on with growl, when it does work, seems to aggro everything within 50 yards except what is being targeted.

Try going demo felguard holds decent threat imo

yeah it’s threat (and overall toughness) is far superior to bm hunter right now as is the spec’s overall damage.