Perth based healer lf Guild to call home in 10.2


Perth (AWST) based raider looking to fill a healing role within a guild during 10.2 and beyond. Currently have all healers leveled to 70 and competent in most specs. Currently just doing M+ on Pala/Druid and some Disc waiting for 10.2 to drop. Very competent in most off specs as well, I’ve played since classic and generally keep my game knowledge relevant.

Hoping to find a guild that will push into Mythic this next raid season and give CE at least a thought.

Add me on Bnet if you’re interested and we can chat (Kaptiva#6750)

Hi Awáke,

MDMA Strats could be the guild for you! Feel free to reach out if you’re still looking for a home :slight_smile:

is my boi Zaltor still there ?

He is and he isn’t - he’s taking some time off for a bit. He’ll be back though (bloke can’t get enough of me).