Personally I'm fine with MM losing access to pets

Though, I do wish it was a choice still for those who want pets still. I never really cared about the pet aspect of hunters, I just like bows and have been a Legolas Stan ever since I read/watched the LoTR trilogy as a kid.

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i am kinda iffy about it i feel like maybe it could have been a new spec or the current marksmanship could have been renamed and this new eagle+sniper spec could be called marksmanship

Do they get bloodlust as a skill now?

Always hated that I needed to use a macro to summon pet cast lust dismiss pet and lose the lone wolf buff while all of that happened

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Personally I don’t think adding a 4 talent tree for them to balance is the right answer, it’s hard enough for them to balance the 3 we already have.

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Per another user from a thread I was in, I had overlooked the initial post a little too much.

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yeah, they get Harrier’s Cry which is bloodlust and they also can spec Tenacity or Cunning to get master’s call or what i assume is Fortitude of the Bear renamed

I’m pretty happy if it actually is petless. when you really need a pet, just switch to bm. which is how I play currently anyway


Now they just need to make survival a tank class


Meaning they get access to Bloodlust and either Master’s Call + extra move speed or Tenacity of the Bear. + extra health. Seems like they lose the passive leech though. Can’t have everything I suppose but its a good change.

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Which is great, but I’m curious if they’re going to let us retain family skills or if that’s going to be a BM/SV thing only from here on.

I like using the family of pets that apply Mortal Strike effects for PvP, we still have Chimerical Sting but that’s not able to applied as often as the MS effect.

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I don’t. It’s a huge solo play nerf.

Without a pet you can’t:

  • Deal with enemies you can’t snare/CC.
  • Clear poison/diseases with FD and the capstone talent.
  • Deal with enemies in a dense area.
  • Save your group from some wipe after a tank dies.
  • Use Roar of Sacrifice.
  • Keep enemy player in combat in PvP.

among other things.

It won’t break the spec, but it will be much more of a mage now.


They have a grievous wounds talent for aimed shot new i think. that would do as a sub for mortal strike pet.

Fantastic, that’s mostly all I care about if this gets pushed to live. I guess the only other thing I’d ask for is a little bit more resilience in terms of being able to tank things a little better.

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All mostly valid niche concerns that are solved by playing another spec readily available to the class.

The same way you can list drawbacks of this spec you can also list a bunch of benefits. And this can be done for every spec in the game. Again though, great valid observations.

And no, the spec isn’t breaking because of this, its actually being elevated, bolstered, enhanced, improved.

I have no doubt it will be better in group play and even in regular solo play, but this is a solo nerf for anything more challenging, no way around it.

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Doesn’t everybody besides RP hunters use lone wolf anyway for MM? So adding an eagle is technically giving pets to meta MM

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Lone wolf does not mean no pet ever.
I run Lone Wolf and frequently call the pet for the constant niche uses and PvP.


Nah the Eagle is just like taking the Mysterious Stranger perk…actually I want an addon that adds the Mysterious Stranger jingle when it shows up.

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Best I can do is Big Iron by Marty Robbins


Hunters have been kiting things since Vanilla, if they make our damage throughput worth losing the static pet then solo content shouldn’t really be an issue anymore.

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