Personal loot is harmful to the game IMO

Except I’m not talking about the game at large, I’m talking about progression raiding. I’ve been VERY clear about that through this entire thread.

Loot rule changes effect everyone. Not just progression raiding. Which I think, is pretty clear, though you don’t seem to to be able to grasp it.

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You know i’m actually starting to wonder if this is it.

I never played Alliance side, maybe ninjas made up like 90% of their masterlooters.

Maybe this is why some of these people seem so broken and desperate to take choice away from others.

Except you don’t have to run with them. Funny though how you don’t want anyone else to have a choice. Who’s the dictator here?

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I’ve said many times that I want loot options for Mythic guilds on the Horde side.

How does that “effect everyone”? (It’s “affect” btw, you’re using the verb form.)

When your choice, hurts others gameplay and enjoyment of the game, and daddy blizz’s profits. It’s a choice you don’t get to make.

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We are removing the ability of people to have dictatorship systems. Yes we are taking the choice away but it is a lesser evil.

Abusive GM and Officers are disgusting and need to have the ability to manipulate and abuse taken away.


I want a billion bucks delivered to me by a train of ducks carrying baskets in their beaks. What you want, and what I want, are never going to happen.

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Only when you choose to let my choices effect you. Don’t worry though, i’ll never invite you. Master loot or not.

You’re too weak to say no so you took choice away from EVERYONE? That’s not a lesser evil bud.

Careful there, people said the same thing about multiboxxers for 15 years.

Are probably fake because we all know those dudes didn’t have gfs :rofl::rofl:


If i can take the ability to abuse and oppress people away from people I will. It is the right thing to do

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woe is me leaf blight
so torn with grief i could die
why wont you love me

If you can oppress people and force them to use the loot system you prefer then you will.


Say what you want man. its gone its not coming back blizz has been very clear about it. And just to be clear even if it came back it doesnt affect me because luckily i have one of those rare guilds where loot is distributed fairly. Im here standing for the little guy

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Isn’t that the Hydra motto?


Regarding the trial argument, I have some anecdotal experience. Tuesday we had a trial and a pug. I traded the bracers off huntsman to the pug because they won the roll, even though other members of the core team rolled. Mainly because, that’s what was agreed upon and fair. We got the mage weapon off huntsman and our trial won the roll when other in the main roster also needed it, we gave it to the mage. It turns out if you raid with people who are just decent people, the game is pretty fun.

We are a community we need to do whats best for the community. If you can make a system that helps you while not affecting the majority then go for it. making ML an option isnt one of them

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It literally doesn’t impact anyone who doesn’t want to use it, and considering how much hate there is for it, it should be pretty easy to find a guild that would only ever run PL.

There’s nothing wrong with asking people to have a tiny bit of accountability around choosing who they play with.

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It does impact people, because peer pressure is a thing. Same reason the meta exists, and is enforced by the community.

We already tried asking people to act responsibly. They didn’t.

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No you cannot let people decide what they want to use. Herd mentality will end up causing majority of the people to use ML when they dont know how to use it.

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But surely there’s more in the herd group that’s anti-ml now