Personal loot is harmful to the game IMO

You don’t need it… you have actually given your own testimonial proof as to why (and you know you have, because you aren’t disputing it).

I don’t know how it could be any simpler.

That’s not how progression guilds operate. What you’re describing is how bad Normal-only guilds operate.

I’m all in favor of restricting loot options to Mythic guilds only. And probably to Horde guilds only, since the Alliance playerbase seems to be where most of the “abuse” was. If you want to keep personal loot for guilds doing Normal, sure go ahead.


It’s not coming back. Blizzard made a smart move removing it. They handled this very well

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You guys are like the nosy lady on the corner who watches kids at the park out her window and calls the police if their parents aren’t with them. Always sticking her nose into everybody else’s business.


Stop arguing with that lady tiny fox

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Except the business in this case is the health of the entire game. The loot rules have an effect on every subscriber.

ML is dead, and the trading restrictions can’t be removed or lessened without bringing back defacto ML, so those are moot/dead as well.

I always hear you guys and gals saying, that people who don’t like ML are free to find another guild. Well, bud, you are free to find another game.


Yeah, personal loot just feels awful.

What we do, in our guild, has zero effect on you. Absolutely none. You will never play with us. It’s simply not your concern how we play.

The ol “it doesn’t even effect you” whine, wow, what are you six? Same argument i hear teaching 3rd grade.

The loot rules effect everyone. You and your guild don’t get special rules.

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It’s just funny watching people ask for ML back because they just cannot fathom not being loot funnelled by their cliques within the guild

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Still happens with personal loot.

Yes but a lot harder. You will never get rid of power abusing gems and officers fully but you can limit their ability to do so

Doesn’t matter.

Its what everyone else is going to do with ML that it’ll matter, not just your clique.

What makes you think it’s an abuse of power? One that even works?

So your concern is that everyone would use master loot because it’s vastly superior to personal loot? Well, you’re probably right about that, but that’s all the more reason to allow it, again.

Classic is a prime example of how Masterloot was a terrible system.


Almost as funny as watching you guys who can’t fathom that not everyone is the devil.

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I guess it not power. It’s more people dictating who gets what and the little guy always gets nothing. Blizzard stated that this is why they removed it and I’m quite happy they did. I will always fight the idea of it coming back.

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Well what’s funny is blizzard seems to agree with our ideologies so we are quite happy :slight_smile:

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My concern is for those groups that will inevitably be abused by it and the discouragement it will cause for further play.

It simply causes too much drama, we are not mature enough to use it wisely or fairly.

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