Another thread where raiders or whatnot don’t seem to realize normal and heroic raid groups also used master loot.
Yea guild groups not pugs.
and so, did you have a point ?
Yea another thread with people like you who dont actally raid with a guild an therefore dont have actual experience with masterloot championing its removal for no other reason then yea down with raiders. Or this time a guy who knew a guy whose friend whose uncle tried out for guild and didnt get loot the first run they did
How do you know I don’t raid with a guild ? That is a pretty big assumption but then you compound it with ’ don’t have actual experience with master loot’ which tells me any conversation with you is worthless.
So just because casuals couldn’t get it right or couldn’t be bothered to use the Group Finder, everyone suffers.
Only evidence i have of you is a person who hides behind a alt for every post they have ever made. Im just going by what i know.
Nothing but assumption. Yup, as expected.
Personal loot is not great for everything. It is beyond terrible for trying to farm tmog.
Just going by the evidence i have nothing more i can do. You are a level 55 with no guild therefore i will not assume that you actually raid with a guild youre welcome.
Just let us trade freely with guild members.
You can’t call someones opinion wrong man. Just because you don’t agree or have had bad experiences with ML doesn’t make it wrong. Also, ML for guild groups is what people are asking for.
I have nothing to add to this but seeing a dwarf priest in mage t3 gear really threw me off more than it should have.
Proof or citation please?
Nothing stopping them from doing this still. People pass around personal loot all the time a leave guilds/groups all the time to do whatever with their character selling or getting into better guilds etc.
Still being done man. Just a little harder.
Pure opinion nothing else.
I used to rob pugs in my raid groups using master loot.
Personal loot was made to solve a large problem. I do not want to go back.
Personal loot 100%
finally nobody gets anything stolen anymore, no more officers or raid leaders who give everything to their favourite discord dude
I have pocketed a boe or two before too because as ML it was literally my stuff, not a good system. nobody should own the loot lol like mounts and boes… cmon
Just look at trade chat. selling carries is why ML got hit the final blow. It really is out of hand even now.
Id rather them leave it at personal loot. I really hated all those goofy player made loot systems or expecting players to go on trial runs without earning loot, etc.
Players brought this change on themselves.