Personal Loot Abuse

Nice meme.

I’m gonna chalk this one up to language barrier and back away slowly.

Your tone there (and here) implies that you don’t respect any raider that isn’t cutting edge mythic progression. When we reply to a thread, saying we disagree with something, you like to say it’s because we “hate raiders”. And when we prove that we are in fact raiders (just raiders raiding at a lower level than you) you dismiss us by saying we’re not “progression raiders” even if we did do progression at a certain period of time. That implies you don’t think we’re real raiders and don’t take us seriously.

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Thought you were leaving 1 hour ago Felicia.

Someone got loot in your raid?


You had no say in it?


More people are able to get loot in raids from bosses?

Great balls of fire

You can remove people from guilds and groups once you realize they’re idiots?



So, we’re “lacking in empathy” because you claim personal loot rules are being abused, make a post that in no way showcases them being abused, then get huffy when people point out to you they aren’t being abused, you just are poorly screening your new recruits.


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Dude stop spamming the thread.

Loot can’t be important for your progression if you’re done the progression before you have the loot. that isn’t dismissing your group. that’s just a comment on numerical value.

Why the sudden character switch Æither?


Switched to my mobile phone. I’m back on this one as you can tell from my post above yours.

You guys are really on a witch hunt huh

This thread has simply devolved into a “How dare you have an opinion on something that might affect you, when you’re not a mythic raider!”


Now, not talking about the OP here, but you see, because there’s more people in a guild’s clique than the person who got the loot, they’re actually being altruistic and playing for the team by taking any loot away from the person it dropped for and giving it to others.

A loot council is incapable of being selfish by its very premise, since it’s always squashing personal needs and gains for what it determines as being “for the greater good”.

I mean, progression can be considered more than just clearing the raid once. It’s clearing it again, ironing out the rough edges on each fight, getting more gear to produce more DPS and such, and reaching a point where we can clear the raid flawlessly in two hours.

Fair enough.

The argument the entire time is that mythic guilds want ML for their full guild groups.

Why should anyone have an opinion - ESPECIALLY as strong of an opinion that them - if you aren’t in an organized raiding guild?

I’m part of an organized raiding guild. Just not one that’s progressing on cutting edge mythic.

how is it the guy that speaks like he himself is the voice of all mythic raiders, has to troll on an anonymous coward account that has no achievements for raiding?


I have offered many times to whisper whoever in game with my achievements and dates. I don’t post on the forums on my main toon because I don’t want to. Do you see me caring about the level 60 you post on?

You’re just desparate to attack anything you can.

I mean, you’re playing Classic, so you already have Master Loot back.

And nice generalization there; I have no problem trading away gear drops, as long as it isn’t an upgrade for me or a transmog piece I want.

Oh you’ve made up a whole history for me and my playstyle. You’ve told me all about myself. So ya, I do think you care. As long as it suits your narrative.