I am a little shocked that Blizzard is starting to raise prices. This game is already one of the most expensive in the genre. Not sure if they are raising the states price yet, but if so I think there will be backlash.
I think they are going on the confidence of the Shadowlands sales. Fastest selling game ever! Only it just beat out Warlords of Draenor expansion sales, and that expansion was considered a failure in the end.
Most casual players are already pretty miffed that they are locked out of most of the end game content, now their prices are increasing…
Not a smart move imo.
they raise price when america has inflation
they raise price when the american exchange rate plummets
so they make more money both ways
Good let the arrogant leadership shoot themselves in the foot. I hope the subscription base takes significant damage and forces them to course correct. Shadowlands heavy elitist crap way of thinking is just a terrible way to design a game like this. If they refuse to course correct I hope it goes the way of wildstar.
To be truthful I’m surprised they haven’t raised the price yet… Should be around 20 bucks If they adjusted for inflation
Every game is the “fastest selling game ever” just like how every movie is “ the number 1 movie in the world”, until something new comes out. SL held the title for 2 weeks until Cyberpunk came out
both companies count pre-orders as day 1 purchases, that’s the only reason SL sold “well” because it was on pre-order for a year.
Yeah don’t worry about the 12 millions players they once had. Blizzard is just saying that hoping to suck new people in sorry. It will be the faster Xpac to ever lose subs I bet too.
WoD lost almost 5 million in 6 months… i dont think that can be beat.
Judging by the lack of comments on here, many of you are in the minority.
And CD Projekt is having stock woes regardless of sales.
Looks like more games as a service. /barf
Do you have an issue with listening to the minority? Do you think the minority should feel like they are getting a sub-par experience?
Imagine keeping that old style of thinking.
Yea WoD went over 10 mil subs then in the last Q they stopped reporting subs since they lost 5 million. History often repeats itself. SL feels a lot like WoD in disguise. Change my mind.
If they don’t pull some ripcords. SL will be WoD. Book it!
True but I bet SL will still lose most of their subs about the same time. This Xpac is made only for people to buy Blizzard tokens from their store to purchase gear, carries, mats END OF STORY. No content flying is null and void as I said Eastern Plaguelands area is probably bigger then all of SL.
as someone who doesnt raid, or rated pvp or even dungeons, i dont buy tokens, i dont buy carries and im doing fine. i farm my own mats too. enough with the hyperbole.
Name one thing Blizz has ever done that didn’t cause backlash? 
(as a business) Who cares? They still got the money 
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I think the end of the definition of hyperbole is important
I feel like a lot of people just stop at the “Exaggerated statements” bit
OR is also in there, not AND
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Maybe I should suggest they chuck a comma in there
Exaggerated statements or claims, not meant to be taken literally
OR maybe, it has 2 meanings and thats what they were going for.
They say ignorance is bliss and this is a prime example of it. So you’re the only one playing this game atm. k fair call. lmfao. ooo btw if true why are you not posting on your lvl 60. Sorry Ion good try.
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