I know that this has been asked before, but is there a reason that characters cannot be permanently deleted? I know this may seem like a ridiculous idea and most people are just fine with the system as it exists. For me it’s an OCD-adjacent issue where I need to know that I am forcing myself to start from scratch without the possibility of taking the easy road and just restoring a character. I know that I can create a new account but I do not want to lose my total account progress including the Feats of Strength achievements since I have been playing since 2005.
I have read in years old posts that at the time it was “Not possible” so I am curious if that ha changed and if not, what is the reason? Thank you and GAME ON 
Character permanent deletion is based on character level. Lower level characters will be permanently deleted after a while. Higher levels ones take longer. And then you hit a point where they won’t be perma deleted, because usually, people spent a lot of time on those ones and sometimes, even a year later, people will go, “Oh I did that on this character I deleted, let me undelete them so that I can get that.”
Under level 10*, or a Class Trial |
No |
Between levels 10 and 29 |
Yes, within 90 days of deletion. |
Between levels 30 and 49 |
Yes, within 120 days of deletion. |
Level 50 or higher |
Yes |
I wish I could sign a form that states I am aware that permanent is permanent and I waive any and all rights to future restorations if I continue to Permanent Character Deletion. I realize that this feature would be created just for me lol.
people would sign that form and still complain their character could not be restored
Are you talking of making an entirely new Bnet account or a new license?
They will be shared across a bnet account, you won’t lose your acheivements, only time this doesn’t count would be if you make say an EU account on the same Bnet account, not all achievements will be shared in this instance.
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Normally this wouldn’t be something I have an opinion on either way but if things like Remix are planned for the future I would absolutely love a permanent delete option for max level toons.
I don’t see the need for more than one of each class but things like remix info unfortunately require you to not use your main toons.
I realize it’s not a necessity and I don’t ever have to go look at deleted toons but for the sake of keeping things clean and tidy I think this would be a great option.
I’d make use of this, absolutely. After a post a I recently saw in CS where someone appeared to be using the delete feature as a way to “store” characters, I wouldn’t object to a permanent delete after a set period of time and they just get wiped. Optional or not optional.
I don’t disagree with you there. I am just trying to find a way to clean up clutter that probably only bothers me.
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what clutter?
are you regularly looking at your deleted character listing?
Yes and just knowing that its there for me to restore anytime I want, even if its just 1 every 24 hours bothers me. Maybe its an addiction trait. I am aware that this is not a “for the masses” request lol.
What if you created another character with the same name? Wouldn’t it force the old one to go away forever?
I believe it lets you create a character with the same name, but if you restore the deleted character that has that name it will force a name change on the restored toon.
One that you have to pay for? Because otherwise that’s a free name change.
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This is exactly what it does.
No it is a free name change.
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Its a free name change. Not sure if there is a time requirement as to not do this for all your toons on the same day lol.
So wait, you can get a free name change anytime you want, by deleting and making a level 1 with the same name, then restoring?
There might be a time requirement.
Still though, that seems like a huge oversight.
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This is totally a you problem. I love how you think that blizzard should bend to your will, for something 99.9% of the player doesn’t want and or care about.