Permabans for bypassing the XP debuff. What are we doing?

But what differentiates between “exploit” and “clever use of game mechanics” that many do not get banned for?

The fact that you’re not answering just shows that you’re arguing for the sake of arguing.


Again, blizzard is VERY loose with what they do and do not consider an exploit, and they need to outline it. Given there are numerous instances of what should be considered an exploit, and no action is taken. With other instances of an action shouldn’t be considered and exploit, or a known fault with a system was discovered, reported, and ignored by blizzard, looking at the frogs in remix. In which they sat on their hands for a period of time, then took action when it was too late and caught another L with their very fast and loose stance on these sorts of things.


I’ve seen nothing to prove it.

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Where is getting around a debuff to exploit boosting for RMT happening elsewhere?

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Well said. This has been my complaint for a long time. The reason they’re so secretive, ambiguous, and convoluted is so that they can cherry pick what to infract.

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A clever use of game mechanics is leveling to 11 and turning off XP so you can blast through dungeons faster than anyone else.

An exploit is knowingly and repeatedly using an unintended bypass to avoid playing within the game’s mechanics. In this case various ways of bypassing the clearly intended XP off debuff.


So explain to me this than, why was Brackenhide Hollow never nerfed in the entirety of the Dragon Flight expansion, which was a much faster way to level than TW is.

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In addition, they are NOT going to go into detail about what happened in the account action, because they don’t want bad actors knowing how they got caught. That’s why ban waves exist to begin with.


Which is only applied if you group up with people before hand. If you just randomly queue and get into a group with 4 random people, it’s okay. If you randomly queue and end up in a group with a friend / family / guildy, it’s now an exploit and bannable.


I can view this question two ways.

1- there is something else at play that caused the ban.
2- pvp doesn’t dig in their boost money.


I’m completely mind bogged by the fact that you somehow equated “you get more XP from this dungeon” with “this person found ways to exploit for RMT.”

People running a dungeon normally does not equate to an exploit.

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See that’s the thing. You and I can use our definitions all we want. What is Blizzard’s definition?

Like I said, I watched a video where players had a boss caught in terrain. The boss could not fight back but they could stand there freely attacking. The GM said “clever use of game mechanics”.

I wouldn’t keep taking the bait. They clearly have no intention of a good faith discussion.


Twinking shouldn’t exist in PvE.
Its existence is meant to exploit.

The burden of proof for valid bans does in fact reside on the company applying said ban. We have numerous reports of players stating that this was not a valid ban in some cases, and we have the historical knowledge that Blizzard can and often times will catch many people that don’t deserve bans in their waves.

Has there been a mass ban wave that Blizzard was 100% accurate on?

This level of shilling is normal for Sendryn, but really weird for Myz. Surprised tbh.

Hopefully Blizzard comes out and says all of them were entirely valid, otherwise you guys look p weird defending it this hard.


The same went for PVP too. People shouldn’t have been able to go around 1-shotting everyone while being nearly unkillable.

Correct. We’re innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent.

Do you know what people did with Brackenhide Hollow in DF? Tons of RMT based leveling. Blizzard never nerfed that area (and the fact that people from level 1 would get decent XP there even when grouped with a max level player).


That means you also remove the ability for free/trial account to do any dungeon.

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if blizzard is paying attention to the news they should realize they can just say they’re auditing player accounts. then they can ban whomever they want for any reason and everyone will cheer :slight_smile:

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The burden of proof is on Blizzard, but they are not required to provide it to players. They aren’t going to tell people how they got caught or how they were detected.


It really helps if you’d read further into my reply instead of cutting me off to take personal jabs.