Permabans for bypassing the XP debuff. What are we doing?

I agree with this for first time offenses. Less leniency for repeat offenders


They’ve consistently made leveling in WoW easier and gave people stables of free max level toons between remix and the anniversary event.

Can’t imagine the thinking that leads to “that’s not enough, I need to exploit to make character screen go brrrrrr.”


The pattern is that a lot of people lie a lot.


I agree as well. This is not the first or second time I’ve heard of Blizzard perma banning people for first offenses. One of the times, it wasn’t even a violation, just something an employee personally didn’t like. Talk about moving the goalposts.

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You are aware that the method of choice for leveling in remix was using a level locked (trial account) 20 holy priest or DH to blast through dungeons at warp speed? Basically the exact same thing all the level 11 twinks were doing. The difference was one paid a NPC to turn off their XP and the other was at max level for a trial account. And that difference (whether it’s a level 20 on a trial account or a level 70 on an account without TWW purchased) is what this is about.


Can I have all of their gold?

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This isn’t even remotely close to something that should even be actionable. Who the heck cares if someone levels faster. The race to world’s first guys have done way worse things just about every chance they get, and literally none of them have been perma banned


There has never been a longer queue for twinking in pve.

Except it isn’t.


From my understanding a non zero number of bans were to people who didn’t do anything to bypass it purposefully. They simply had a toon, qd timewalking, and received a ban for it.

Is there something that has been shown to disprove that?


Care to explain?

$10000 says you don’t.

This is just Blizzard’s typical inconsistency with infractions. Today, select people will get away with murder. Tomorrow, several people will get banned for jaywalking.

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As it stands I’ve seen no actual proof that this is the case. Only “reports” that it may have happened.

I’m sure there could be false positives that are very likely to be overturned on appeal.

This is not how the burden of proof works.


People are missing the point of people were abusing this to speed level other players, either through RMT or gold means. Along with willingly and knowingly continuing to abuse a broken system will result in an action.

It’s one thing if it was a one off random issue that you just happened to run into. You won’t catch a ban for that, this is for the ones that intentionally abused this for their own gain.

Now, blizzard is VERY loose with what they consider an exploit and not an exploit, that is an issue with the game. In all honesty they need to outline that soon so that its better defined and people can have or not have a case when these waves happen. Yet you have to admit that this was an exploit, regardless of whether you were using the macro leave method, or using the random que method, which you can somewhat control via queing at the exact same time with how the LFG system works.


Is there something that has been shown to prove that?

And we know that people aren’t perfect. Sometimes mistakes happen and those who didn’t do anything get caught up in a ban wave. That’s why appeals are important.


But it is, you can scream from the rooftops that what they did was wrong, and that’s fine. I’m simply questioning why this one very specific use case is “against the rules” when there are other ways to achieve the exact same thing that don’t violate any rules.


You mean the conversations with robots? How is that helpful.

I’ve reached out to Blizzard more than once to ask them this. Their response “If you see something that violates the rules, please use the flag feature”. I’m like “You didn’t answer my question…”

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I suspect that while there was definitely exploiting to get rid of the XP debuff when grouped with a level locked toon, there was probably also some other shenanigans that involved people paying real money for boosts. Not saying everyone did this but some certainly were.


When are the bans coming in for all the BG PvP communities that do this all day?


Because you’re missing the entire point of why people got banned.

Once again… level locking or being a twink at any level is not a bannable offense.

Exploiting and RMT are bannable offenses.


I KNOW WHY, I’m asking for explanation as to WHY THIS ONE SPECIFIC CASE is bad, when all the others are “okay” Try and keep up.

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