This is what I personally suspect, but that’s just guessing. An exploit is an exploit, but it’s possible that the RMT people got their hooks in this exploit and were frequently using it to sell people stuff for cash, and that bumped it up into a banwave-worthy priority.
Like with multiboxing, it was all fine and good until the botters started using key passthrough software/hardware to make their botting more efficient and now we can’t have nice things.
Gee, I wonder if the game specifically puts a debuff on you, if running macros and leaving and re-entering and doing a bunch of stuff to avoid the debuff is intended?
Figuring out that doing a multistep process and taking off a restriction that was intentionally put on you is unintended isn’t rocket science.
Yeah because certainly every single person that says “I didn’t do nuthin” is totally telling the truth, and people who exploit never lie.
An appeal process exists. I have seen people unbanned for false positives after submitting an appeal before. It’s a small number certainly, but it happens.
Right which makes sense given it makes it harder to know what triggered the system to flag their account. Yet it stands to reason that similar to how they have outlined a lot of things in a basic manner that does and doesn’t constitute cheating, RMT, or what have you with ban worthy offenses in the game. Exploits should be given the same treatment, to better define things on what they see as an exploit and not an exploit. They certainly do not have to go into the gore filled details of things, yet it would be nice to know what their thought process is somewhat.
Now as for this most recent wave, its stands to reason that anyone with a crumb of reason could understand why and how this would result in what they got. Given the XP lock system is very well established at this point, and it was clear that it was not working as intended. Followed by people intentionally breaking it further was why they got a permanent ban.
That’s the thing. A long time ago, there were people who got around the “xp lock” for PVP, getting their twinks into battlegrounds with others. Those people were not banned. They just fixed it so they cannot do it anymore.
Yeah, because certainly every single person that says, “I didn’t do anything” is totally lying, and people who get caught in bans are never innocent, not even once.
I get what he’s saying, but it almost makes it sound like everyone who says they’re innocent is lying. But we all know that Blizzard is notorious for false bans. If it were most other companies, it would be valid.
your modern 11 fury warrior only exists to speed run dungeons. Whether thats to boost other players as discussed in this thread or as a personal fun project or just a way to rapidly accumulate TW badges for rewards, its entirely about speed running dungeons
There are, however, a number of what I’d call “legacy 10s” and they tend to be people who have been playing at level 10 for years. Its been a popular twink level since like, WOTLK but the community has more-or-less dwindled to a handful of people these days.
Then there are some of us (I include myself here) who enjoy playing F2P level 20 “twinks” because we enjoy the solo-self-found nature of the experience and the challenge that comes with the restrictions. You set up a brand new BNET and the collecting/achievement hunting/completionist thing is a lot of fun (i obviously cant post on the forums on that toon because its not had a paid sub). Or, ya know, sometimes you just go fishin lol.
And then there’s the Project 30 kids who like to do legacy raiding on level 30 toons. I gather its a lot of fun but have never, myself, done it.
Anyway, yea. PVE twinking is actually a huge part of the twinking scene these days. It’s no longer just the sweatiest dude you know one shotting unsuspecting levelers in grey gear who thought “ooooh capture the flag looks fun!”
Asking a question, as I didn’t know if we had people getting unbanned for this yet, with a follow up of:
So maybe quit trolling with the personal attacks. No one is “shilling.” If you dislike factual information and questions, then put me on ignore. Preferences > Users.
Pretty easy first pass is does/did it benefit mythic tryhard raiders? If yes then slaps on the wrist at worst (and let them use a pillow to absorb the hit)
Telling people the purposely trying to cheat or break rules set in the game is not ok.
You know when you are exploiting. You 100% know what you are doing and you are purposely trying to circumvent measures put in place. This isnt something you did by accident. Why give someone a chance to do it a second time? Because they 100% will if they think they can get away with it. The player with this mentality is a problem.
Ban em. Hope they learn
Sadly most people do not learn. What they do learn however is new ways to “try an get away with it”. They will keep doing an offense as long as they legitimately believe they will get away with it.
Interesting, personally all of that sounds boring to me. The only one that even remotely appeals to me is boosting as I’m an altoholic. I wish we had a brackenhide hollow equivalent in TWW, as that was great for leveling toons, and Blizzard didn’t care (it still works for 1-70 if you have a high geared 70), but the anniversary + timewalking + turbulent timeways + twink is NOT a good way to do that.
The saying, innocent until proven guilty does not apply, nor does common sense. The TOS does. If people are exploiting, they’re getting banned and I say good riddance. They’re all welcome to appeal.
Or, maybe just play the damn game and stop trying to find ways to scam and gimmick your way through? I’m so tired of people being mad at getting banned. FAFO. That’s it, that’s all.
Don’t be a loser who tried to cheat the system and you will never get banned. I’ve played since 2004 and never even came close to a ban or warning. Just stop with the BS and play the game already.
Coming into the forums to plead your case just makes you more cringe. Take your punishment, learn from your mistakes and be better.