Permaban due to abusive language - account lost forever?

So i’ll start this topic by saying, I am not at all making excuses for myself… i 100% used curse words and insulted people in this game, a lot of times, and i was suspended, a lot of times, for the same reason…I was just issued 3 days ago, a permanent ban for abusive language, on my EU wow account, that is over 10 years old… it’s where I have all my gold, mounts, tmogs, everything…

Everytime I appealed, i received negative responses/saved replies.

I am the 1st person to recognize I have no right to behave the way that I do, despite the problems that I may have on my personal and professional life… I already said all of this on the tickets i opened, but I do want to state it here for every1 to see. I understand CSR/GM’s in this game need to follow procedure/respect policies, but it is actualy a very hard pill to swallow, that there is no charitability given to me at all, in this situation. And that this is a suitable punishment… Meanwhile, people use racial slurs in call of duty lobbies everyday. Same company, 2 very different standards when it comes to this topic…

Somehow, people in this game abuse, spam, advertize, gatekeep, are just toxic as I am (without typing a single word in chat), and get away with it everyday, without being punished… and yet, my actions/behaviour are what GM’s choose to act on, because everybody loves to press the report button in this game, regardless if there is a actual reason for being reported… (and this is not a excuse btw, but I believe it’s a valid point for context). They claim the evidence is “carefuly reviewed”, but in the real world… i don’t believe anyone is hired/paid enough to read through chat logs, or look at any sort of context… and that is just my common sense speaking here. It’s about the number of reports, and if the account is already flagged/blacklisted, as mine definetly is…

the frustration of not being able to play the game, as it is supposed to be played, is of course what makes me behave this way. It tilts me beyond belief, that because i do not have a guild/group of friends to play with, that I am forced to play with underaged children/new players, that cannot press a bloodlust… tanks that go into a dungeon and fight 2 mobs… etc etc (i could go on ofc, but my point is - call these people out even if politely? - they still press the report button).

I’ll stop typing here, it’s already a essay and i think most of you can probably imagine how sad and angry I am right now… I would like to appeal to any GM that reads this, if there is anything that I can do to recover a account that has all of my gold, and so many memories and rare items/tmogs/mounts. The longest suspension I had for abusive chat, was over a year (a year and 6 months i believe), and I would much rather to go through that again, than to have a permanent ban… I don’t know if this counts for anything, but I do commit to change my behavior/never to type in chat again.

If you made it this far, cheers for reading this, and if there is anything you can do to help me, I genuinely thank you from the heart,

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“a lot of times”

do you think your previous punishments had an effect?

how long is Blizz supposed to put up with your shenanigans?

if this isn’t your first punishment, that means you were warned/suspended before and clearly it didn’t work as a deterrent


That’s where I stopped reading as it appears to me that it is 100% deserved. If you want to appeal, do it via the ticket system. Nobody here can fix anything for you.


Nothing can be done to help you! You got yourself in this situation. You had got a bunch of suspensions.

You talk about this game being toxic and this is blizzard working towards cleaning things up.

Instead of complaining about people reporting for what you consider trival stuff, just do not give anybody something to report

You made your bed! Your mess own it


Or just pay sub and discounted expansion and continue where you left off on another licence. Which can be done like 6 times total?

You failed to read this part:

So no, they will not have all of their collections if the other accounts are US and I’m coming to this conclusion that they are because this is the US forums, NOT EU.

I agree with you, but I also am the 1st person to say this is “deserved”, considering the policies that are in place. I definetly said awful things to people, but I also stayed away from this game, was suspended for a long time and paid the price for it… and yet everytime I came back, I get reported for the same thing again… only this time, apparently there is no way to come back… and that just breaks my heart, because I do love this game. I don’t understand how this is a suitable punishment, and that I have to lose the only thing that brings me some joy in this life, because I did something a lot of people do as well… which again, does not serve as an excuse to do it… but is still a very valid point imo.

The charitability was all the previous account actions. Those were your multiple warnings, warnings that you didn’t heed.

There are limits to charitability.


Judging by his Achievements, EU is probably his main account - the one that was banned.

Can you login battle net once you are perma banned? I think you should still be able to buy WoW expansion wow WoW #2 licence and continue playing there with shared collection.

You don’t?

Penalties do not fall off, ever. They get harsher with each infraction. Now you know.


Yes they tend to ban a license and not the entire bnet. Unless you had been doing some of this from bnet and not from a copy of wow.


Was there anything we can help with? Mainly asked as you’re just making a long post trying to justfy your actions because others are doing worse. And if you’ve been permaban, it’d be a long run to get that done. You can appeal until they tell you to stop.

Things like:

Doesn’t change your own actions or what you did on your account.


No, the best way to continue playing WoW would be to modify your behavior before you reach the “account banned” stage.



That IS the solution. The only way to get the account back is by appealing via tickets, not on the forums.


Please don’t try to spin things to fit a narrative. There is nothing that anyone here can provide outside of recommending appeals which has been done above, and the OP is/has done.


He can open a new license on his bnet account.


yes my EU account is my main account… I won this NA account on a giveaway on fragnance’s twitch stream.

I can login bnet, and I already considered to do what you said… but I don’t think I have it in me to start from scratch…to lose everything (even if some mounts/tmogs are available to use, I am pretty sure the ones i like the most, even the heritage armor I unlocked, will not be available on a new license) and to not have any gold for enchants/consumables, that are very important to play the end-game…

A new license on the bnet account you will still be able to use your mounts and tmog. Tgose are bnet account wide


This poor clueless person.


At some point, Blizzard has to conclude that no amount of educational penalties is going to change your behavior. I’d wish you luck in your future gaming activities, but I suspect they’re going to have similar outcomes.