Make everyone have world buffs permanent
Summoning stones to instances
Anti boosting mechanics
Make alliance and horde party together for instance content
Give us something other than regurgitated trash.
There is no achievement in time sinking hours to level to clear a raid in 40mins.
SoD was unfriendly to players that missed a phase, creating unachievable FOMO tendencies.
Terrible design, too late to deliver the solution to their abysmal systems.
it’s better they implement features that already exist than try to reinvent their square wheel.
MC should’ve been the level 20 raid with the raid size to be scalable with a minimum of 10 players.
Complaints in SoD are overwhelmingly about PVP because everybody explodes. (And Mages are absolutely horrendous because somehow they cant kill anything.)
Nobody is seriously complaining that classes are doing more damage in PVE because they have more abilities to use, or because the Blackfathom world buff gave everybody under Level 40 a 20% buff to movement speed.
Classic+ is not a thing, it is always someone’s (often silly) wishlist of things to be tacked onto Vanilla WoW.
If I was on the dev team here is what you would get:
- No world buffs at all for those not part of the turn-in. Completing a major quest like Onyxia’s head would buff the player who turned it in, their party, or raid and that’s it. No more mooching off other people’s work.
- Use TBC or WotLK limits for consumables on flasks and elixirs.
- Summoning stones for instances as they work in TBC (two players in a party can click the stone to summon others in their party).
- Alternatively joining a dungeon/raid group could port you to the nearest Inn to the dungeon or raid.
- Boost normal mob Armor, health and damage by ~10%.
- Boost elite Armor, health and damage by ~25-50%.
- Boost boss Armor health and damage by ~25-50%.
- If something can be interrupted, decursed, dispelled, cleansed and it is not it should be pretty punishing in group/party/raid content. Buff to learn to play.
- Warriors, Paladins and Bears are all viable tanks with their own flavor reasons you bring them but do equivalent TPS and have equivalent survivability on a Patchwerk type of boss - maybe not on other boss types.
- Every tank gets a Taunt, but it is only a fixate that does not copy threat. Another learn to play change.
- Every tank has a tanking talent tree with some wiggle room for fun talents or play style flavor but no more tanking as DPS spec.
- Every tank class has enough toolkit to do basic tanking properly by Wailing Caverns/Deadmines.
- Standing in bad stuff would leave a nasty DoT debuff after first tick.
- Scarlet Crusade 20-man raid.
- Three level 60 Karazhan 5-man dungeons that drop Tier 1 and Tier 2 iLevel items but are similar difficulty to Cataclysm heroic 5-mans.
- XP reward for completing a dungeon the first time with a party of players in the dungeon level range equal to a 1-2 levels worth experience with a good blue piece for each role. Make every dungeon worth doing at least once for the XP and guaranteed item.
- I would strongly consider a badge system so that you can purchase loot from a vendor with either dungeon badges (pre-BiS) or raid badges (tier gear). Everything that drops in a raid zone except legendaries can be purchased at the vendor with enough badges for that raid vendor.
I would take all the stuff we hear they had originally planned for Vanilla but never got to do and a big buff to difficulty on part with Cataclysm heroic at least. Give me rated BGs, properly challenging PVE content and some unfinished storylines/missed opportunities - yeah definitely.
They did some changes in SoM and a lot more in SoD. They will certainly experiment with other ideas for further seasons if it engages enough players.
Classic+ means different things to different people. And yet everyone keeps expecting Blizzard to do exactly the set of changes that they like and not one thing more.
Yes and no, and that’s the problem everyone has a very different idea of how that should go and why no one will be happy with it. SoD is Classic+ even if I don’t enjoy SoD that is factually what it really is; its Classic+.
Someone is bound for sure to say “that’s not classic+” well guess what its Blizzard’s idea of Classic+ and that is what players can expect the class changes and stuff to look like… These goofs asking for anything other than bone stock Vanilla are throwing the dice expecting to win at the craps table… its not going to often play out like they want.
everyone already pay some 24/7 warlocks who have too many lvl 1 standing everywhere to get summonsed to anywhere. so yes summoning stones is a hot fix to the RMT behind portals/summons.
this should have been done before they released the re-re-release of classic 2024, those mage’s boosting 24/7 in multi dungeons are all doing it for RMT
and those mage’s farming 24/7 aoeing dungeons getting xxx raw gold per hour are the reason for inflation and most of them are probably gold sellers anyway. so blizzard should have prevented that if they wanted healthy server anyway.
i tbh wish world buffs get completely removed, it’s just a borrowed power and it kills any challenge in too many ways. they realized that and disabled it in tbc, the current classic dev’s must be clueless new people and that’s why classic re-releases are trash.