Perfect example

Mages is the one class that hard counters paladins in pvp, imma bring you into it so you can suffer too D:

No, it’s not, it may not be, because the broader WoW community has not gotten their hands on it yet. Only those with alpha access have been able to use it, and while (from what I understand) the more publicly posting people with alpha access are saying its great, we don’t know what all alpha players are thinking, and we have no idea how the broader WoW community will react to Dragonriding when 10.0 launches at the end of the year.

So it may not become a evergreen feature of WoW like Soar will.

As Ion said, they’d like to keep it in the game, but it will depend on the broader reaction to it from the WoW community. So you better hope that the broader community love Dragonriding when 10.0 launches in December.

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That has nothing to do with soaring garbage,so just stop it.
And holy paladins buddies with arcane mages work well together so what.

oh, i thought you were just messing around, so i to was just messing around. The reason i brought up mage portals was because blizz said it would be unfair to other classes / races in game that won’t be able to travel as fast as dracthyr. Or world pvp escapes. But there are other classes like mages who can teleport across the world and continents in a single 5 second spell. Dracthyr’s wont have teleports outside of capital city portals and hearthstones. Dracthyr also won’t be able to escape as easily as rogues or druids in world pvp. So the reasoning wasn’t really logical when we add every other classes’s strenght. Mages strength in world traveling is their portals that they can use anywhere after a 5 second cast.

I really like it when people speak for me.

Didn’t know anything about “soar” until I read all the threads popping up complaining.

Now that I’m informed … I still don’t care. So, no, the “ENTIRE” community doesn’t “love” soar.

And we’ll just make a port to travel at well,not we can only port to cities ,not like a warlock can which is every where so blame the warlock .

But warlocks need people to achieve their teleportation, and who has friends to call upon… T-T

Anyways, again, every class has strengths and weaknesses. By nit picking dracthyr on specifics when other classes have better specifics is in itself illogical. But I am sorry you feel like i’m trying to get mages nerfed or make them look bad as that is not the intent, but the intent to call out blizzard for the illogical foolishness they are displaying. Mages are cool :slight_smile:

Yes but the people who believe they know what “the players” want have decided for you that you love it and you are OUT-Raged that it was nurfed.

It still goes over 600% speed. It’s just a flavor racial.

I don’t see how slowing it some ruined anything.

“Perfect Example.” Whoops. I thought you were talking about me.

As to your point, I totally agree.

Let’s be real here though. When it comes to things like rare/world boss camping, it’s called camping for a reason. These things aren’t sitting out there waiting for people to kill them. It’s like folks who speed to a red light when they’re driving. They get there faster just to end up waiting like everyone else. :rofl:

Soar is not twice as fast now, it was before the nerf. You also have to factor in that you will not cover nearly the same ground. If you want to travel more than the width of the Barrens you are still going to have to mount, so you are probably going to be slower once you add in having to take off twice and the slow landing from Soar.

I was going to hold contests so see how much people could cover Kalimdor, but with it being slower it’s going to be less fun and cover less distance. :slightly_frowning_face: Just wanted to have some fun with a fun ability.

I did not love soar, therefore not the entire community

OP is a charlatan and a fraud

I didn’t love it.


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I don’t see why you can’t still ‘have fun’ with it. I feel like ‘fun detected’ gets way too overused by the community. But it is interesting to note how Blizzard and the community can both look at the same thing and while Blizzard uses the term ‘balance’, the community uses the term ‘fun’. Is there an inference there that only unbalanced things (according to Blizzard) are fun (according to the community)?

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So dont play the expansion. Problem solved. But you will because your entire existence relies on a video game.

Citation extremely needed. My Gyrocopters are excellent for the purposes of flight and what they need to do. I don’t need another grind added on top of progression for basic traversal.

Well one of my plans was to see how many zones people could fly through. With an ability that is based on speed and momentum you have that as a resource. You are going to cover vastly less ground, you are going to do it not nearly as fast, and it’s going to be over faster. All of which are less fun, and in cases like some challenges I had planned, probably can’t reasonably happen now without feeling terrible.

What is there to ‘balance’ about a fun ability? People were flying from Hyjal to Duskwallow Marsh twice as fast as flying mounts, was that something that was game breaking? Were players and Blizz actually worried someone was going to a pet battle too fast? Of wait

‘whether that’s Chromie Time quests, clearing old raids for transmog, pet battling,’

Yeah, Blizz was worried about pet battling with a 5 min CD and 2 levels of Chromie Time.

It’s still over 600%. Over. Six. Hundred. Percent.

It’s still fun. People are acting like you’re slower than walking speed now.