Perfect example

not as bad as people complaining about complainers.

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A story as old as time.

You can make realistic criticisms, that’s fine, in fact it’s good for the game. Making statements like, “they hate usssss!” is childish and absurd.

On these forums you can ignore people and what they post completely and never have to read them, as well as clicking on links and spending time to read peoples complaints. There are options to where you don’t have feel frustrated in reading “childish comments”. However when Blizzard continues on making decisions that hurt the playerbase, you have to wonder who are they really doing this for, and why. And the easiest conclusion that doesn’t take much thought or conspiracy theory is simply put “they dislike the player base”

There. That’s your one choice and now you own it. It’s the perfect example. Now any others you might put forth are for show…lesser quality and likely not worth our time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Please, I love a good conspiracy theory, do tell.

Yeah, that’s so incredibly unrealistic and dramatic, I wonder why anyone would think this sort of thing.

They don’t hate you, they don’t know you, they’re trying to make a game, and they’ve made a few changes here and there… that doesn’t mean they dislike you…

Again… grow up.

Thank you. :wink:

So everyone loves it when most never tried it in game or is this from another game? If so why are you here?

The only conspiracy theory i have is making everything more grindy, slow, and drawn out so you stay subscribed longer, and by staying subscribed longer you give them more money. So instead of being able to do old content faster you’ll now do it slower as dracthyr thus you can give more money to daddy blizzard. How ever, i feel like you are being very hateful immature, and outright hurtful because you dislike hearing other peoples opinions. I think you should “grow up” as you so delicately put it, and actually use your mature grown up time to do mature grown up things like testing alpha, or debating in politics as those are never childish at all.

Honestly doesn’t sound like this game is for you. Maybe go play roblox or Fortnite or something?

Ah yes, the “Because you don’t agree with me you should uninstall and go elsewhere” counter arguement. A very mature and debateful decision of yours. Perhaps some empathy and humanity is whats needed for you? Perhaps working in a hospital or group home? Or helping the homeless and you may find your heart?

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Is that what’s really being said? Maybe you just hate fundamental aspects about the game, and should choose a new game? Maybe that’d be the most mature thing to do?

I found it, and it’s in helping people like you understand how wrong you are. Blizzard isn’t out to get you, you can calm down.

but… but… but… they hate meeeeeee :cry:

Blizzard adds a cooldown to an ability… DURING A TESTING PHASE

You: “They hate ussss!”

Oh they already got me with my horde patriotism and blood elf adoration by making a duplicate on my hated rival the Alliance in the guise of void elves. I already feel personally attacked. The crappy protection paladin changes, the reasoning behind the soar changes aren’t what I believe blizzard is doing to “out to get me” as they already done that back in shadowlands. They are just spitting on foolish hopes and dreams. And I don’t play wow really anymore. I subbed for this month alone out of sheer excitement of all the dragonflight changes i read. Which I already heavily regret and would get a refund if possible but it is not. So now I just lurk here on the forums with feedback and useless banter. But you know you can simply ignore me if you disagree with me so much and my complaints make you enraged and tired.

You’re joking here, right?

Then, it sounds like this game isn’t for you, is it? Wait for DF and see how things play out.

You responded to me.


All the changes they’ve made have literally proved that over and over again. They have changed. For the better.

Sure, Soar got nerfed, by 30%, it’s still a LOT faster than epic flying, meaning you’ll still get to soar around at high speed and beat your non-Dracthyr friends to locations around the entirety of Azeroth. Now if they dropped it lower than epic flying, then that would be concerning, but we’re not there.

And honestly? Blizzard detailed exactly why they were nerfing the racial ability and their reasoning makes sense. In Dragonflight zones, we’ll all be zipping around on our dragons, using the dragonriding ability to get from point to point, so it’s not going to matter, but if we’re out in non-dragonflight zones, then Dracthyr players will have a clear advantage over everyone else, especially when it comes down to taking out rares that drop transmogs/mounts and open world bosses with long spawn times (such as the Sha of Anger in MoP).

You could legitimately have 40 non-dracthyr players all ready to race a Dracthyr to a raid boss out in the open world, and that Dracthyr is going to get to that boss and kill it, before any of the other 40 players manage to get even close enough for a tag. And while that still may happen post-nerf, at least they’ve got a better chance at getting a tag in before the Dracthyr players murder the creature handily.

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Hmm no, not really I don’t feel like i’m joking when i said i felt like i was attacked (not physically of course) when they copied the majority of blood elf customization and put them on void elves, thus removing the majority of what made blood elves unique to void elves. I to this day am still salty as hell about it. And yes, shadowlands isn’t for me, though i wish it was because i have an attachment if not an addiction before i got over it before i left. I’m responding cause i’m bored and the debate stimulates me here while i’m at work at a group home when my clients sleep.

an open world raid boss thats relevant to power progression, that makes people compete for gladiator titles as well as the top raiding guilds on the game? What? Druid flight form, mage portals, vulpera set up camp hearth racial, dark irons transportation racial, shamans astral hearth. Everyones got advantages that are instant teleportation and not travel, and we want to nerf the travel in old world content thats not relevant to current game play?

Well, I’d give the new talent system a shot, you never know how it might feel to you.

The customization thing, I completely agree with. Void Elves needed options, but taking away from BE’s wasn’t a good choice.

One of the hardest jobs out there, at least in the US. I don’t know where you’re from, but here it’s a very demanding job, and those people aren’t paid nearly enough.

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I like the talent trees, for the most part. I feel conflicted about the paladin ones, ret seems just jumbled and everywhere. Protection feels jumbled and the nerfs to holy power regeneration hurts. Holy isnt even out yet to judge. And it is alpha and they will make changes so i’m not really bent on that. The other talent tree’s are amazing. And yes in Ohio, well my job is in WV. I’m really hoping i’ll enjoy dragonflight, and i do enjoy FF14 but i played warcraft since i was 8 years old. starting with warcraft 2, and i started wow in late wotlk. The majority of my childhood / teenage years is Warcraft. the genre and game itself holds much to me, and seeing me hate it also makes me hate myself for hating the game. And seeing alpha changes that i dislike reminds me of why i currently hate shadowlands.

Also, something more to add, Blizzard stated in their explanation behind this decision that this change was made for the future of the game. Soar is going to be part of the game going forward for all Dracthyr players while Dragonriding may not. Blizzard has not settled on whether or not they’ll keep Dragonriding as a part of WoW post-dragonflight. Ion has said that they’d like to, but it’s ultimately going to depend on feedback from the broader WoW community. If we like it? They keep it. If we don’t? It stays as a Dragonflight only feature.

And that’s a key thing to understand as well. If we end up all hating Dragonriding and Blizzard doesn’t bring it forward into 11.0 and beyond, then Dracthyr are going to have a clear movement advantage over every other race both current and new (if more get added) in every future expansion. For me? That’s enough to justify a 30% nerf. Now if they decide to bring Dragonriding forward (and more importantly allow it in previous expansions) then I hope they roll back the nerf, and I expect they honestly will, if they decide to make Dragonriding work outside of Dragonflight zones.

Where on earth did I say any of that?

Not faster than epic flying.

Can’t speed you across the map at ludicrous speeds, only take you to set locations and anyone in the mages party can use them.

Literally has the same restrictions as the hearthstone (without the reduction in cooldown from joining a guild) and can only be used outdoors.

Can literally only take you to certain locations, you can’t just speed across the map to wherever you want.

Can only take you to an innkeeper, just like a regular hearthstone.

Wait, dragonflying may not be a permanent feature? Moving past Dragonflight? Thats a joke right? A superior and faster form of flying than what we have now may not be a thing if the devs thinks the community hates it? I vaguely and barely remember something like that but i can’t remember to much. If it were to be removed and not just added for the entire world then dracthyr soar would defiantly be a ridiculous advantage moving past dragonflight. However who can hate dragon flying? I guess we will see, but i do see your logic now that you bring that up.

Gggrr,leave us mages out of this I’m so sick of this blahing.

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