Why do we all remember Phunbaba? I cant remember why haha
Hey Zork, I mainly raided with Tyron back in ZG and AQ during the week, we ended up raiding in TBC together as well!
Edenolgate Hunter
Unholykiller Pally
Gm of
not sure if anyone I played with way back then still plays
yo whats your bnet
didn’t he help write the prima dungeon guide back in the day?
@manutec Royal Jester here. Raided with Royal Jesters through ZG and MC. Then went with the group that formed Raiding Jesters to raid BWL, AQ20 and AQ40. Then a bunch split off to form Moon Unit Zappa I think was the guild name. Remember these guys:
We had lots of fun!!!
Hey Archona! I don’t know if you remember me or not but Stilfor and I used to run together all the time and I remember you being there!
Im Kulgar I was a dwarf paladin back in the day, Stilfor and I used to run with Birch dwarf hunter, Maive nightelf druid, Eerie a Nightelf priest and you lots if im not mistaken!
Im enjoying BFA. Might pick up Classic just to see.
I remember you! I was a sucky Warlock then, I’m a sucky warlock now…hahaha…but I had so much fun back then…I am looking forward to playing in the real WoW again
Dang, wasn’t sure if I’d see an MRE mention in here. That the one with Supersniper (hunter) and Trinfan (pally)?
Thelohel#1154 Not really playing retail currently, just waiting for classic
It took that to get ur attention?! Headdesk
Is Zach gonna play? Also, reserved my name on Mankrik.
Yup. He will be with me on Herod
Yep, Trevor, Pavana, me and a few others all moved to Ravencrest.
Uhhh, lets seeeeeeee. I miss him. He really was a great guy. At least to me he was.
Ape still plays. indeed to look at my friends list to say what server.
@Ealara tell Trevor and Pavana that Dunis said Howdy!
Great guy I really miss Phun. A lot remember him because he was a Scarab Lord. I raided with him in Made in Azeroth.
Sounds good, I have to admit actually really enjoying fury warrior in BFA. I’ll probably still play some BFA. Good to hear from you!