Death Squad
NE War
Breggs , Ix, Josher, where you at ?
Death Squad
NE War
Breggs , Ix, Josher, where you at ?
Paladin / Warlock / Mage amazing Zul Farrak 3 mans back in the day…
lol waddup Kelvin - Thelian
“Dez was the GM” well now I feel left out. - Thelian
wow that screen cap…
<<arthurhwkwng name so nice you can’t whisper me twice. you coming back for classic?
Baradin - Dwarf Hunter
Podray - Human Priest
Knights of Ne (Ni? I dont remember how we spelled it)
Part of the SGA
Planning on playing Classic for a bit, would love to see some old friends.
Thelian/Thelean Original GM of Dark Ambitions/Band of Thugs
Good to see the names Kelvin and Ealara again, it’s been a while. Glad to hear that you’re keeping in touch with HSVG, tell him I say hello!
Names I can remember:
Warriors: Takeno, Sizzlechest, JCDWarrior, Olathardro (or something close?), Onox, Zachra obviously, Phunbaba, Vink
Rogues: Mournbane, Ownss
Hunters: Kelvin, Ealara, Benthon, Bmoc
Priest: Lumi, Dranor (I think), HSVG
Paladins: Dezri, Lionking, Exorcist
Mages: I honestly can’t remember lol
Druids: Duder only because of that one guy on horde who fkn hated you
Warlocks: Unabis, Hockusmokus, that one gnome who used to get baked and go afk all the time… name escapes me
Probably about 100 others if I really sat and thought about it lol
I’ll be rolling horde on Herod in classic, pop by and say hello sometime!
Do you remember vortech, the mage. What guild was it, west coast raiders? I remember benedictor, sonicwind, donavan…and you had a warrior friend, name started with an A i think
kirbydog human rogue
mostly pvper
guilds i remember:
marshal law
west coast raiders
at deaths door
phase two
thirty six chambers
gnomish special forces
names i remember:
hope you’re all doing well even if I didn’t talk to you
Hello, Ata here! Still playing and planning to try out classic - so good to see a familiar name!
Not sure how I’ll be returning…time is running out to decide.
Morigana - Warlock
Nefarious Souls
hey Orren!
I never would have guessed I’d see anybody from the old crew still here. Let me know what you decide to do. I’m going to most likely have characters on Whitemane and a PVE server, I haven’t decided which one yet.
In the meantime, you play on Moon-guard now? Noesis#1783. Add me and lets play some time!
Hey everyone,
Carimm NE Hunter (Main)
Krieger NE Warrior (Twink)
Daishi NE Rogue (Twink)
Blood Legacy (I was GM, Alliance)
Blood League (Horde alt guild)
Paradox (raider)
Eth Sularus Oth Minthas (raider)
Fear The Pink (twink guild)
Legion (Officer)
I hope some of you guys come to play on Pagle with me. I will be reforming the guild Blood Legacy. PM for Discord, Make sure you send me your ingame name and what guild you were in with me.
While i have changed my names and servers, i remember playing with TEC for a long time. The Dwarf priest back at it again.
Looking for old pals to play WoW Classic or BFA with! So many familiar names in this thread.
Anyhow, I used to play on Rodazan (Rogue), Koric (Paladin), and Zulander (Warlock) often all on Perenolde-Alliance.
Add me if you remember me, I resubbed last week! Koric#1386
Yo where’s all my ROYAL JESTERS at???
Manupod and Tremulant [Human Warlocks] here but coming back as a Warrior - awkward.
Where’s Tesseract? YUMYUMINACUP?!!?
Our GM was a Priest who got drunk on Crown Royal every night while we wiped on Lurker Below. His buddy was a shadowpriest officer.
We were stupid af we had so much fun.
I remember you too! Good to see your still playing!
Are you rolling on Classic or staying with BFA? I have been away for months from BFA and I am actually starting to enjoy it again. However I have been playing classic somewhere else and the old game is still fun.
Rettar from Nefarious Souls.
Morigana, Evilens, Italo, Reb, Sabyn, Lelna are the names I remember.
Started playing on Perenolde March 2005. I can only recall two guilds i was in:
Tribe & Hopeless Addiction. Been itching for a good grind like it was - and to see Darkshore and Teldrassil as they once were…
Nalania aka Nala - Holy Pally
Reynah - lock
Kalania - mage
Katlianae - dorf priest
Lliana - Rogue
Miszery - DK
IRL friends: Shhh (rogue) & Einn/Pastrami (hunter/mage)