Perenolde Alliance Reconnections

BigTrouble, Human Warrior
Guild: Heavens Light
Looking for all the original people I used to game with.
Mikken - Pally
Landay - Warlock
Toro - Mage
Gimmel - Hunter
& Apolice to just name a few I could keep going. Playing now on Myzrael as same name, gnome this time.

Because I want old friends to find meh…but you should feel honored…you were about my first battletag friend >.>

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Vink! Used to PvP with you.

Zork! Good to hear from you. You’re the best raid leader ever!

Made Field Marshal, PvP’d alot, raided with the SGA. So many familiar names, so many fond memories.


Oatmang here, rolling horde on Herod with that name. Queue times are brutal omg


Oattttttty!!! How are you???

Patriotik - Human Warlock - Mankrik.
Patriotic - Nelf Druid - "

See some of you there!


Hello everybody! Grippy here aka Agrippina/Messalina. Played with The Lost Legions and Phoenix in Vanilla, then Undisputed and Phase Two in BC (with a little detour to Masters of Mithril). So many fond memories of BGs, Arena, and raiding - I wouldn’t have wanted to waste college with anyone else! When I quit right before Lich I had almost 200 days played on my ret pally and resto druid. I gave the druid to a friend at college but still have the pally and have ridden around on the 'ol Vengeful Netherdrake a few times.

The amount of people I remember from those days would fill an essay but I’ll throw out a few:

My old vanilla BG/raiding buds: Varothaen, Swiftness, Dao, Darksides, Cili, Artegal, Stoutbeer, Brothajames, Xerxese, Patriotic, Bighamma, Enock.

ADD raiders! Wesker, Xerxese, Fishybob, Septimus (best friend IRL).

Phase Two: Samsonite, Ownss, Literacola, Krak, Deleter.

Please forgive anyone who remembers me whose name didn’t jump to mind. It’s hard producing them cold but I know there’s so many more locked away.

I have a level four druid on Fairbanks and will be healing mad instances to level up. Queues have been brutal but I’m willing to wait it out since that seems to be the server with the most Perenolde homies and I’m wagering queues will get decent within a week. I’m pretty excited. Since I quit at the end of BC I’ve hardly played.

Sup Artegal! I was trying to recall your name at work the other day. Got your PhD yet? Good to see you Archona! I remember our many forum duels well.

Patriotic! My phone number for you don’t work anymore and I don’t see you on Facebook. SWIFTNESS HOLY CRAP. What’s up you sexy Dane?

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Grippy#1311 for anyone looking to classic it up on Fairhaven.

Dude Whats up!

Blue Nova

NE Priest

Fraternity Top Guild what up homies


trying to remember more

What up Mysterio!

Been a LOOONG time… But I was in Fraternity and Phase 2. Trinityslaine Dwarf Priest. I remember playing with a lot of people.

I have decided to give classic a try.


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Hi Erudi, hope you’re enjoying your Classic experience!

  • Nightkid (ex SC)
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OMG Hi Xyra!

I was Infinia the druid from the guild. Was hoping to see some familiar names! Hi to everyone else on the list!

My name is Pattiegirl and I am a Warrior that was in Sleeper Cartel guild. I am still in this realm and guild now. I used to have a great time with a player that was a great friend and helper to me named PROSECUTORAN… He was an attorney in real life… I loved playing with him and doing quests together. Would love to hear from him again. Also on same realm is Killerpinky my deathknight. I played on her a lot as well.
Anyone know about this player?

I remember seeing iceicebaby a few times… I might have even grouped up with them on a quest or two…

I probably have had 12 numbers since then. I haven’t been on FB in over 3 years. I moved to Vegas.


I guess I need to level on Fairbanks also…

Holy crap! Hey Wesker! It’s your favorite prepubescent paladin, Cloudsin!

Awesome! Are you playing Classic? We’re setting up on Atiesh.