ermagerd! Heya Zdoc!!!
not that I know of, I hooked up with a group at the beginning of the year, we are rolling on Stalagg Alliance side
Jefferey Human warrior
Fallen Dragons I’m lookin to reconnect with anyone from the guild. Also was a member when we transferred to Ravencrest in '07 hope you all find your old friends!
was in a few guilds (twinks ya know not everyone was cool with so many twinks bogging down roster) “Fight Club”, Main was in" After Life", and had a few in “KrOmAn’S WorLd”
main :Dwarf hunter named Trollroller
alts : 39 human Rogue twink named: Deniro
29 Twink Human Priest named :Darkfather
49 human Mage twink named: Graco
sounds great. will do!
Looking for anyone who was in Heroes and Legends and…something Dogs (that might have been when we switched to horde though)
I played a NE hunter Flaxen, was Flaxx/Flaxxypoo when we switched.
I remember
Would love to get back in contact
Syrana-Human Holy Priest
Most would Remember me from BC as Syrvia-Prot Pally
PS Horde this time
Hey! Verlaxis from Masters of Mithril reporting in for duty!
Hey guys, Its Verlaxis human mage from Masters of Mithril, Littlebeard#1789 is my blizzard add me.
Maluminas from Druids of the Thorn here! I haven’t played in so long… I’ll play again, as Maluminas, on Incendius this time.
This is Aut, switched to Horde about two years ago. Val still plays, and Silynna. Ect is perma retired. I’ll be horde side on Whitemane pvp and Myzrael pve. Lots of names on here I fondly remember.
Bela! Wesker! Septimus here, I will try and join yall on fairbanks. Been bothering Grippy to come back and join us too.
Hey all!! Looking for anyone who remembers playing with me, my best friend and her husband.
Breeala: Dran Hunter
Merdrax: Human Warlock
Turine: Human Warlock
Guilds: Dynasty and a few others I can’t remember lol
Good to see some old faces on here!
Frednaught: Grand Marshal NE Warrior
Not sure if anyone cares, but my battletag is ShadowGnome#11926
Hey everyone, I went ashkandi alliance if anyone wants to meet up!
Elim, Cryptom, Twinklesv, Sparticas
Alliance - The Skull Splitters
Patch, Daminal, Gage, Thugsoldier, Patch, Odyssius, and all the other names i cannot remember!
Hey everyone,
Going to give this a shot as a casual old man. Not sure what server yet but if you’d like to connect, let me know! Nice to see so many old names, hope everyone is well.
Btag: Gio#1108
You drunk? It took me freaking ages to get ur btag and now you just throw it on the forums!!?
Made a guild …staying with my live guild name. So Inversion is up and live for those that wanna join. I’m on Mankrik.