People with jobs Report In!

I have a job, but I am off today, because I just did 32 hours over the weekend. Can I still laugh?

Though I didn’t know it was down. Played Division 2 all morning. That wasn’t down haha.

I hear night shift and non-Monday to Friday jobs totally don’t exist. C/D?


Reporting in, Sir. Government work is the best.

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What about people with jobs that can log into WoW on a monday morning…?

Nice use of plebians. I approve wholeheartedly.

It’s a topic you can easily ignore.

Electrician signing in! Only one more hour left :slightly_smiling_face:

Signing in! Currently waiting for a website to FTP to a server - so why not check the forums?!? LOL

Stopping by to give you a +1, OP.

It’s amazing how many players I have met that are in their late twenties and early thirties who still live at home with a relative. I couldn’t imagine waking up every day know that I am wasting my whole life like that. Eventually, life is going to catch up with them and will hit them really hard, then they won’t know what to do except blame the “rich people” for their own failure of a life. Fast food won’t pay your adult bills, folks.

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I have a career, too! And one with very flexible scheduling! This is a day off for me, so I ran some errands, got groceries and the game was up when I was ready to play!

Your posts are always so positive!!


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Just over broke. That’s me.


I’m retired. Oh, hey couldn’t log onto the game due to a maintenance. No problem, it mean’s I can take care of things. Went to a few groups up at the VA, washed my floor, took a nap. In the end it works out in my favor.


I always thought old retired guys would be playing a dwarf paladin :stuck_out_tongue:

Retail worker checking in and on lunch. :blush:

:strawberry: :green_salad::sandwich:

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I work from home sometimes when the mood strikes me.

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It is ridiculous the way people think if you are complaining or arguing on a forum, or whatever means you have no job. Some people work casual, part times, are having days off or holidays. So yes, actually people with jobs do argue on forums or complain about matience etc. Like what you said. People just love to assume if you have a job, it means you aren’t annoying.

Also who cares if they didn’t too. Like not everyone has to have a job, sure you need it for money, but it shouldn’t be forced on you. And I agree with the person above, if we all had money, a lot of people probably wouldn’t bother with regular jobs.

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Honestly? If you hate your job and still working there, it’s still wasting your whole life, because you aren’t happy, life will catch up to you, and you will wonder how you got here.
I think the only way we waste a life, is if we don’t enjoy it. I do enjoy playing WoW all day, and writing at a cafe. Or just watching netflix. And that’s alright, it’s no one business’s, if it makes you happy, then you aren’t really wasting your life, and others should stop judging.

(FYI I do have a job, but it’s one I like, so I am okay with that!)

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This country needs a UBI. $3,000.00 of month for everyone.