People will ALWAYS AFK out of losses, unless you add Conquest Points to the losing teams side

Basically this.

this is incorrect, the previous pvp systems (WoD and before) let everyone achieve ‘fairness’ in gearing while still maintaining a nice quick pvp gear grind. You could get a solid honor set that was equal to normal raid gear within days to a week. Conquest came quickly and rewarded BEST-IN-SLOT for pvp. The current redonk system of multiple grinds to get gear and abilities is longer than any pvp gear grind ever.

people are not bothering because they can’t get fairness through gearing in a reasonable amount of time and the pvp rewards themselves will not gear you up to a place of fairness either


You don’t need to mythic raid for random Bgs.

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Whatever you want to believe. I’m sure there’s a place for you in dev headquarters, where they’re working hard to discourage as many people from playing as possible.

I know that. I’m not an idiot like the elitist who said that exact thing to me.


Lol typical “you don’t agree with me so you must work for Blizz” comment.

Where are you pulling that “idea” from? Not from me.

They took away rewards from random BGs and I still play them. I am there for the PvP, not for carrots.

Implying that people should play content because they enjoy it is elitist?
That’s news to me.

You did say pvp is designed for mythic raiders.

That’s the opposite of what I said.

Again. These games keep people repeating content by adjusting the rewards to make it still feel worth doing. When the rewards no longer feel worth it, people stop.

The idea that there are lots of people out there who should continue to play content that offers them no rewards and feels like a waste of time is dumb. Because you play for your rewards. Sooner or later you’d stop if you were getting nothing.




Eh, we can lose the people who are only there for rewards. There’s enough who actually play for fun.

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They quoted something else. Basically the usual comment is “you work for Blizz” or “you must want to work for Blizz” because you disagree with me.

Ah yeah. Oh well.
I’d be fine with working with Blizz, I guess. Not sure how being employed is supposed to be an insult.

Yea would be a cool job tbh.

Classic Ashran is a poor example because it is unique in the form of it being endless. Do you expect the people that start in a fresh match on Tuesday to still be in there today?

I have seen the same people in a few of the games I’ve jumped into this week so people are clearly enjoying the content and doing it for fun and everything else that this particular brawl has to offer - several titles, toys, pets, mounts, honor and the ability to stockpile conquest to your heart’s content.

Those not incentivized by that but would rather get their quick fix of the brawl quest completion will jump in and out as they please. That’s how it has been designed. What do you think is lacking from it that would encourage people to stay?

We should not be rewarding people for losing. We should be rewarding people for trying. If one team caps 2 flags and the other team wins with 3 flags, they should get 20 conquest. If the losing team in Arathi gets over 1000 reinforcements, they should get 20 conquest.

They did this well in Alterac Valley where if the losing team still managed to wither down enemy reinforcements to below 100, they also got conquest.


Stop pretending that you’re one of those pugs…
I get it…u dont want your premade groups to go… I get it, but unlike you I dont have that many hrs and days to be in front a computer…

and the little time as a solo player I have dont feel like sharing it with your premade friends

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Don’t need to pretend.

I am not sure what premades have to do with time spent in front of a computer.
You’re sitting there regardless.

u know exactly what i mean…
point taken is that is ‘Random’ queue; if I would it be on a ‘Premade’ category queue then it will be entirely on me…

see my point?? they're not supposed to be in a random queue..but blizzard as allow it..

No I do not.
Play solo you sit there in front of your PC.
Play with friends you sit there in front of your PC.
So what are you trying to distinguish between by saying you don’t have X hours to be in front of a computer? There is literally no difference.

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30 min account wide deserter

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not making this a debate;
by now I assume u dont know what ‘Random’ means; so let me explain it ,
In a random category u supposed to face the ‘Opposing’ faction Not a coordinate team.