Honestly I gave up… and when it came up on the BMAH I bought it.
Sha’s mount was on the BMAH on Thrall earlier in the week and finished at 5.4M. I just don’t have that kind of gold because if I did I would have my Long Boi now lol.
I actually got the Northwind one pretty reasonable. I think it was like 250k, but yeah I wouldn’t pay 5.4 for anything but the AH mount, and probably not now with the throttling.
Including TW? Probs got it in about 30 tries or less. But it dropped when I wasn’t TW so within about a dozen attempts or so.
Hmm, I got it a few years back, during wod I guess, it was around 40 or 50 tries on only one character (I’m lazy and only farm mounts on a single character).
At around 300 runs here… dont even feel close. I have had more luck with the Ironhoof Destroyer and Ji-Kun (sub 20 attempts), which crazy enough, I got on the same day! lol
First time I ever did the dungeon I got it
I do not yet have the Drake of the North Wind, but I DID get the Drake of the South Wind on my first attempt at soloing the Throne of the Four Winds.
I played all through cata, I farmed it when Rogues had Burst of Speed and stopped when Blizz removed that ability but still go there for cata TWing and I’ve never seen anyone get it.
Took me 83 attempts.
I’m up to about 200. Ashes dropped on my 3rd attempt but this thing is driving me a little nutty.
Dropped for me a couple of years ago. Wasn’t there farming for the mount. Was just wanting the gun that drops from the vortex pinnacle for a hunter mog. Funny how it works out like that. Same thing happened back in cata. Was in the storm peaks camping for the rare hunter pet Skoll. Started flying to the other spawn points, and flew right into the Time Lost Proto Drake lol.
I seem to be in the minority with my opinion on this one, but all those “Wind” dragons from Cata are just horribly ugly. They have a face that looks like the character Steptoe from the ancient UK sitcom “Steptoe and Son” and aside from that, visually they just don’t look great.
Yes I still want this one for my mount count, but only because there is a beautiful lime green Raven Lord as a prize
That’s the one from that Cata instance with the floating platforms?
You are going to hate me OP… I went in there on normal with a friend. Talked about the mount to him and he said it drops off heroic. I said no it drops off both. We go back and forth and I told him I will laugh if it drops and I roll 100 on it… It dropped, I won and he was angry. I have never seen it drop since. I think he ended up giving up on that mount after a couple years midway through WOD. Don’t know as he stopped playing and we lost contact.
That one dropped for me after 2 weeks of farming on 10+ characters. Took my husband 3 weeks with roughly the same amount of attempts per week.
I got invincible and the old kara horse back to back same day. Best luck I’ve ever had.
Ah my luckiest mount drop. Got it in a pug during current content. Now ultraxion on the other hand, I think I know the RP lines by heart
It dropped on my first run on my priest back in cata.
Agreed. They wind drakes look terrible. The stone drakes are so much better it’s not even funny.
Unbelievably, my priest got this on the very first run through the Pinnacle. I was partly looking to get the neck pendant drop from the zone.