People who have the Drake of the North Wind

How many attempts did it take you to get it. Been grinding my face off for days now trying to farm it across 3 separate characters. Constantly resetting instances.

RNGeezus is lame.

(Inb4 "got it on my insert low number try :slightly_smiling_face:)

We all have those mounts. I had North Wind drop 3 times in about 20 attempts back in Cata. Finally won the roll on the 3rd drop. I had to solo Stonecore about 100 times before I finally got the mount.

I think I did about 60 attempts… He was my last “insert direction” drake to get.

The new 8.3 drake of the four winds definitely should’ve been an achieve for having all 4 wind drakes lol.


Had it drop randomly while leveling a toon that was doing a cata dungeon for quest XP.

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I quite literally hate you :expressionless:




I still like you sweetie, especially in that top hat…


Took me about 600 attempts, but since you can grind it over and over, I think it was only about a week or two. Good luck!

Which one is that?

If it is the one from the Uldum 5 man or raid I am still farming it off and on.

The one from Stonecore I got on my first run. I got kicked from the group because they said I ninjaed it somehow.

It’s the one from Vortex Pinnacle.

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Ah. Thanks. Yeah, still haven’t got that one yet. :confused:

All of Cata, and now timewalking, and I have never even seen it drop.

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I got it the first time I ran that instance,so far it’s the only mount that has not taken 500+ runs to get.

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I have been running it about once a day after every Ishak kill, sometimes on 2 characters. Thankfully it’s a pretty fast run to get to the boss.

Oh my god.

I’m on like attempt 80 or 90 something.

You might be lucky! Keep going!

Mounts are silly. Took me 14 tries to get the stone drake in Deepholm but over 200 for Invincible. Just zone out, watch a romcom, and hope for the best.

That’s true.

I remember watching a Hazel video where she got the Felsteel Annihilator on attempt 19 I think.

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I got the Rajani Warserpent second try but have been killing Rustfeather every day since Mechagon was released and still don’t have that beautiful wheely boi.

WoW really does enslave us sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: you can also try Drake if the SouTh Wind and Ishak, which drop very similar drake mounts. Maybe if you combined all 3, you’d have a lot of luck.

I got the one from Harvester in about 30ish attempts, but I’m now over 700 kills with Rustfeather and nothing. I really hate that chicken.

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I want to throttle him. His spawn time can also be disastrously dull and boring. At least Sha is every 15 minutes.

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