Well this is why you should be the test subject to a mass report for RMT, you seem to be really adamant about your opinion so you should let people mass report you and turn you into a science experiment.
I already have man, we’re just going through the same stuff; time is a flat circle. I’m going to sit AFK at a tree in Stormwind tomorrow and do something productive while you get 10 people to waste their time debunking themselves. Hopefully going forward you can think for yourself regarding all this.
Sounds good, idk why it matters where you sit in game as no one will be whispering you or meeting you but once the reports go out we’ll see the results depending on how quiet you get throughout the week.
Are you going to come back here and admit to being wrong?
tbh I’m just reading this on my phone and didn’t read it properly, no need to get so hyperbolic.
Blizzard had admitted there’s a problem with their automatic banning algorithms that led to a slew of false positives recently. Player reporting forms part of those algorithms. Therefore, there is overlap that player reporting can be exploited and result in a person being unfairly banned.
I don’t understand what you are contending.
No, again you’re misquoting them. They didn’t say algorithm, they said analytics, they’re not synonyms, this isn’t semantics. If you actually care about the truth, slow down, stop and actually think logically.
I’ve been enduring your insults for a long time, the least you could do this this.
Yeah I mean given enough time you don’t take a ban then sure I will give you a W.
Like I said I don’t hate you or anything, I do think you’re a massive troll but you genuinely seem to indulge in your rhetoric so I don’t mind putting together a little experiment to test it out.
Why? I guess you consider the 2,000 people working at Blizzard “massive trolls” as well? Considering not a single one of them has ever suggested they have automatic bans from right-click player reports, including the employees currently lambasting their employer/former employer for fostering an awful work environment.
You’re the one making a semantic argument. Blizzard uses player reporting as a metric to issue bans. Player reporting can demonstrably be exploited.
Just to remind you, the last time I proved you were misrepresenting Blizzard, you accused me of a ‘gotcha’ moment and allegedly blocked me.
Issue bans. Are you admitting that players aren’t the ones “issuing” bans?
I unblocked my entire list a bit ago. It was a mistake, there are awful human beings posting on this forum that don’t deserve a second chance. As you’re proving to me here.
Because you never want to give an inch, you expect others to hear you out but you never hear anyone else out and act like everything you say is true and everything anyone says that doesn’t agree with you is false.
You’ve done this since the first time I responded to you lmao, you do it now as well with other people too and it makes people think you’re a troll.
You have to learn to give and take in conversations, you’re way too on sided and biased and it makes for convos to become circular.
Giving an inch to things that aren’t true is how we’re ending up in the situation we’re in as a society. I’m not going to get into politics but I’m not going to entertain something so obviously untrue.
I don’t entertain flat earthers, this is on that level.
Lol statements like this is why people call you a troll, the fact that you can’t even acknowledge an opposing opinion as being even somewhat valid makes your entire point of view one sided and irrelevant.
It’s not just an opposing opinion, it’s the foremost opinion on this forum and it’s objectively false. You have to understand right now, I know for 100% certainty that players cannot use the right-click reporting system to automatically ban other players. I know the Earth isn’t flat, that’s why I said that.
Yes. I never said they did. You’re welcome to quote where I did.
It sounds like when you relentlessly criticise minor details you think you are defending truth but when other people do it to you they are ‘awful people’.
The reality is that most people are saying it’s automated based on personal experiences and you’re one of the only ones screaming it’s not.
In this situation you would be the flat earth person lmao
Blizzard are the astronauts in the space station. Blizzard says it isn’t automated, even in the face of tens of thousands of “flat earthers” screaming in unison.
The majority is not always right.
P.S: The Death Knight who said he’d get me auto-banned, who is now banned, is liking your posts. Too bad he can’t post.
Delimicus is wrong, and Blizzard is lying. I’m currently suspended with no GM interaction, and the reason was abusive chat.
Shortly before this suspension, I was kicked from a WSG game while I was crossing mid and given a deserter debuff. I asked why in public chat and people said the obvious, that I was reported AFK. I actually went AFK while I was waiting for the debuff to expire, and when I returned to PC I was logged out due to suspension.
I’ve had dozens of chat suspensions that weren’t overturned due to “abusive chat” (read: toxic server that I trolled too much) with the longest ever totalling 256 days. This was entirely without GM interaction. This is the first time I’ve actually had an account suspension though, the previous ones were always just squelches from using any chat.
I’m not.
They’re not. Go make this post on the CS forum so they can call you out.
Blizzard recently started issues suspensions for abusive chat because they deemed the silences to be ineffective at keeping the toxicity down to reasonable levels.
See above, you had a 256 day silence. They suspended you because the silences were obviously not changing how you carried yourself in chat.
And they won’t ever, so they can just get used to spending their already inadequate CS resources.
Also, I’ve sent 100s of reports of people personally abusing/harassing/attacking me and they have never actioned a single one. I’ve also sent probably 1000 reports about the gold selling mafia on Yojamba, including the characters / guild which bank they use to transfer the gold / detailed information about how the mafia operates with no action ever taken. How do I know? Because I see those same people playing, chatting in-game etc day after day while also abusing and harassing, and advertising their GKPs which they use to feed gear to those who buy their gold.
Oh, I’ve also sent dozens of reports of the messages of people telling me words to the effect of “I report every message you send on every character I have every day”. I’ve also sent detailed tickets to support informing them who is mass reporting me and while they are doing it, and I am told not to worry and that it will be actioned. It never is.