People who false report need to be banned

how does he know a GM isnt being lazy? I mean i know everyon does their jobs 110% right? I seen alot of good people get banned yesterday. 99% of the time we are on discord. Some got 7 day ban while others got 30 day bans. 1 guy got his overturned somehow… was a 30 day and then poof he appealed and they reversed it…WHY?


It’s ok, tomorrow wether Del agrees or not I’m going to arrange a mass report on him for RMT.

Best case scenario he gets a ban and we never see his posts again and worse case scenario he lives a couple extra days to gloat about him being right.

I’m curious to see the outcome.


I will go stand by the tree in Stormwind and add you to my list of funny people:

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yes, if it can be proven.
but more importantly they need to start perma banning everyone who has ever bought gold, and take the loss of players on the chin. they need to go no mercy

Sure thank you for making it easier :slight_smile:


Basically, he is going to argue in circles that because you cannot support your argument with evidence beyond reasonable doubt, everything you say is wrong.

For example, you can’t prove the chat mute was for unrelated conduct.


It’s just so hilarious that you actually think that players have GM banning powers. I thought you were just joking around this whole time but you’re actually serious.


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He wasn’t even muted, you’re already going off false pretenses. What happened to society where so many people just don’t give a damn about the truth anymore? Just lie and lie and manipulate everyone they can.

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I think we’ll do a mix of RMT and sexual harassment reports, maybe we’ll do a little more than 10 accounts too.

If you actually get banned off this that would be incredible honestly lmao, the biggest defender of an automated system gets himself auto banned due to his own ego.


Just don’t lie like the other people did and pretend I didn’t “participate.” I’m going to log in the game tomorrow and sit around the tree AFK. Whatever happens, happens.

Are you that DK that got banned off the forums yesterday for defaming me with some outlandish lies? Cause this is eerily similar forum vitriol.

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Lol no I don’t care enough about the forums to start issues with people, only reason why I want to mass report you is purely a scientific reason. I just want to see the outcome of it, I’m curious.

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Okay. You know you could do this right now with your buddies and report some bots to see the truth for yourself. Don’t forget, chat reports lead to mutes which ARE automated. The player who is muted will also DC from the game, so the account action can be applied.

I think they restricted what you can report for today, we used to be able to /who the bots in dungeons but it’s likely the system is overloaded by reports right now because this community has lost it’s sanity and are reporting everyone for all sorts of bologna. You’d need to find the bot in person most likely.

Now that I’ve got your attention, how about a bit more logical interference into your narrative. Why were there so many posts on reddit about ZG bots and multiple guilds reporting them when they were standing outside and nothing happening? Hundreds of cheating reports going out, the bots continued to run. Explain that.

Honestly as much as I want to start my own vigilante task force to get rid of bots I just don’t think it’s worth my time, I already know the system is automated because I have access to a lot of accounts and tested it out on one of them which of course you will probably just discount as a lie.

But from my understanding it is very easy to get caught up in their system, it reminds me of New World and how Amazon essentially outsourced and automated every single part of their system and it got so bad to point where people were reporting the enemy guild before wars to ban their key players right before a big fight and there have been so many who remained banned to this day falsely because they got tired of losing to appeals that were also automated.


All these servers, all these communities interested in cleaning up cheating and not one of them puts together a crew of:

10 people to clean up the community. All these claims that a small handful of volunteers could do it if given banning powers but no, no one is capable of getting 10 people together to make some videos and spread the good news. Get more people reporting bots, no one has done it, weird. No multiboxer has done it, no one.

Are you starting to think a little bit here?

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We’ll you’re forgetting that people have these multiple accounts for different reasons, no one is being paid to go after bots and no one will willingly give up their time especially now that queues are like 6 hours long to sacrifice their only play time doing what Blizzard should’ve been doing the whole time.

I get your logic that if it’s automated then why doesn’t the community clean it up but what incentive do they have? Bots will keep popping up faster than players can ban them as it’s incredibly cheap to do, and on top of that blizzard isn’t paying anyone to do it either so it would have to be some sort of community service effort which you have to understand that everyone won’t be interested in.

Most of the cases of mass auto bans comes from salty players who lost arguments to others or just hate someone and want to spite them by abusing the automated system, a majority of these cases don’t get overturned unless they blast it on Reddit or social media like the recent AV ban where they overturned thousands of bans.


I’m not talking about right now, right this moment. Why hasn’t this happened over all the years people have been claiming there’s an automatic ban from right-click player reports? Show me a single video of 10 people like you claimed is enough to do it, banning bots.

We have an entire community claiming that Blizzard does nothing against bots and then this same community turns around and says “we all have 10% of the power it takes to ban bots, but we’ll do nothing. Not one of the millions of us, not one of us will “waste” our time to ban the bots. No, instead we’ll just ban AV afkers instead!”

Think, you’re getting close to breaking free of your confirmation bias. We have guilds setting up several 25 man raid teams, people who play this game like a job and no one can show me a video of people banning bots with their buddies? Not one multiboxer has done it on stream? No one.

Millions of players. Thousands of posts complaining about bots, claiming Blizzard could hire a handful of GM’s or even get volunteers to do it and you’re going to still believe we have the power to ban bots and no one does it? No one, not even other botters competing against their rivals?

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Because none of it matters, the cost of a bot is literally 15 bucks and they generate thousands and thousands of dollars before they get banned.

The same reason why Blizzard fired GMs because it wasn’t a realistic way to ban bots is the same reason why the logic of having humans manually report them isn’t realistic.

I can tell you right now the bot issue only became worse, they let you make DKs for free without a lv 55 on non-fresh servers and if you go /who in ZF almost every single person there is a bot farming gold to sell.

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Why? Why can they generate thousands if the community can automatically ban them? Why don’t we have a discord channel setup and have bot banning teams take five minutes of their day cleaning up dungeons?

ASMONGOLD made a video of a HUGE Boomkin bot farm in retail, didn’t he? He complained that Blizzard isn’t doing anything about it. He has 100 people following him around, why didn’t he tell them to report those bots?

Even though Blizzard has given us GM banning powers with more steps? Guess zero people actually care about bots, cause you claimed it only takes 10 accounts to ban them and no one does it.

Why don’t the rival botting companies ban each other?

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Because the same community is buying gold off of them and the company that should be banning them is profiting off of them as well.

Neither party cares to remove them as they can multiply faster than you can ban them.

You ban one and you get two more to take its place, it’s cheap and fast to make them which is why botting is a massive issue in almost every single MMO. No one has a solution for it.

What do they gain by doing this? These gold sellers aren’t trying to compete with each other, they’re trying to remain as lucrative as possible and avoid getting too much attention on them. It wouldn’t make any sense for them to turn on each other.

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Alright man, there’s a lot you have to believe in order to think that players have GM banning powers but you’re free to believe it. There’s no getting through to you, good luck.

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