Are you saying that reports are ineffective? I made this meme for this contradiction:
No, and you know very well that I’m not.
What I’m saying is that the system is automated and it is triggered through a certain number of reports. A single person sending detailed information to customer support to make the game a better experience for everyone will not be actioned because there is no automatic system that exists for it, and customer service exists solely to defend their pay masters and obfuscate the truth that the company has no interest in anything but preorders.
you can even report enemy players in bgs for afk - makes no sense and is super toxic. Cant even attack a player without worrying about them reporting you
Okay, so you’re saying Blizzard has implemented a system that is ineffective against bots and apparently requires such a significant number of reports that it can only be triggered by a large group of players conspiring to automatically ban innocent players?
What purpose does this system serve? If it exists, why does this community not use this system to eliminate all the things it accuses Blizzard of not acting on? Dungeon bots, AH bots; blatant gold buyers purchasing warglaives for 200,000 gold on a fresh Rogue.
Not a single discord community for auto-banning bots. Not a single streamer or multiboxer using their communities to ban bots, despite complaining that Blizzard does nothing (giving the community GM banning powers is apparently nothing?)
What are you talking about? Myself and guildies have reported dungeon bots, AH bots and people who have bought gold through mail/face-to-face transfers and have had them banned.
It’s gold that’s bought through guild banks and GKPs which don’t trigger the auto ban from reports, since for whatever reason Blizzard cAn’T sEe It. It’s the same way that gold buying and boosting is still done on retail; if it’s organised on Discord and then someone makes a “guild bank withdrawal” or buys gear through a GKP that they never actually have the gold for, Blizzard “can’t do anything about it” (read: won’t pay the staff to do something about it)
Don’t forget that for 2/3 of Classic’s life you weren’t able to right click and report people in the Who window, otherwise I think you would have seen plenty of auto-banning bot communities.
Good luck man, have a good one.
Blizzard advised they weren’t automated. However, they confirmed they were a result of data analytics and are based off metrics, suggesting they are not case-by-case assessments.
This in and of itself is not inherently bad. However, player reporting is one of those metrics and player reporting can be exploited.
People who exploit player reporting can create false-positives that have adverse consequences for other players. Even something as benign as a mute warning may result in a more harsh penalty for that player’s genuine first offence.
As such, players who misuse player reporting should have adverse action taken against them. Even if the details were wrong, I agree with the crux of OP’s post.
Warning - Communication
Your recent communication behavior is not in line with how most World of Warcraft players communicate.
You have been reported multiple times for Language, and further reports may result in your losing privileges or being SUSPENDED*
Please help create the best possible world of warcraft community by staying positive and not resorting to hateful discriminatory obscene or disruptive messages.
I asked in general in EP if the vendor was supposed to be there. Someone replied “reported”. This community is such trash now.
That is the purpose of my whole post. If mass people report you…you can get the warning i got above and the consequences along with it. How horrible is this system?
I’m in a 30 minute queue and then I’m going to go chill near the cool tree near the AH in Stormwind.
I got reported for being in queue for av and when it popped I had a minute left on my zombie change accepted and no one dispelled. Ruined the match before the game began but ohhh well it was funny. Also got the warning without doing anything wrong.
Some bans got overturned. Honestly at this point, maybe they shouldn’t have even fixed those for how exaggerated the claims have been.
I agree, the automation bans is really putting a huge damper on the game
Lmao I completely forgot about this whole conversation, I got stuff to do today so we can do it some other time. I don’t really care about this topic as much anymore tbh, I will believe what I want and I respect your beliefs on it too. We can just agree to disagree.
You had an opportunity to see the truth and you declined, remember that.
Yeah w/e, I got more important things to do on a Saturday lmao. Have a good weekend.
My account was just banned after running past a raid of 70s outside BRD.
It is not. You are categorically incorrect and intentionally spreading false information. Educate yourself on actual facts.