Can’t we all just get along
very few mobs actually do this if you don’t aggro them. for the few that do, that’s why you stay with the tank. if the pull actually has true random cast mobs, you’ll be LOSing it. where the tank is. where you should be.
I like how you completely left off the part that I directly quoted from your post…
you stated “No one is randomly getting aggro for being close”
It is leash ranges though. This isnt a thing in dungeons/raids.
while he should
Absolutely not.
There’s no reason to even pull like this in heroics. You’re wasting more time trying to group 20 free casting mobs than it would take to just nuke a pack that takes 7 seconds to kill. Mounted mass-pulls are only useful in niche situations, are known in the meta, and everyone in the group should be aware of the start and stop point for the pull. Think the last are of Alg Academy for example where you mount and pull into the building.
There’s no reason for anyone to know these pulls or assume they’re going to happen at this point, because there’s no reason to be doing these pulls at this point.
Also, if you’re mass pulling while not mounted, it shouldn’t matter what the dps do because you should be getting aggro on the mobs as you pull them.
I swear you “hold w look how fast I am in a random heroic” tanks are such dorks.
(P.S. — to quote parts of a post in the way they’re referring to, highlight the text and click the “Quote” button)
This isn’t an opinion. This is fact; if something is pulled, being close does not take aggro from whoever pulled it.
i get it. this all just boils down to the GD “i want to play how i want, no matter what, and any consequences are somebody else’s fault” mentality of entitlement. we’re telling you how to stay alive (“stay with the tank”) and people are coming up with reasons that’s just completely impossible for them, even though it works in much higher content than anything most of them are doing.
just baffling.
They have defensives, fug it. Lol.
This is also not true. If a mob leashes, it will regain its full HP, drop all its threat, and return to where it’s supposed to stand/pat. There’s a tiny window where it doesn’t “realise” it is leashing yet and someone else could get aggro, but this is not usually what happens, even with DoTs.
Sure if the tank is actually hitting all of them as they go by. It takes 1 dps getting hit to half for the healer to have to stop and heal and if the tank hasnt established good threat the healer doesnt just pull the caster that damaged they will rip everything.
Do you know how many melees youre average healer can take from mobs while moving, like 5 so if 20 mobs turn around to smack me cause i tossed out a rejuv while moving it doesnt matter if the tank is nearby im dead in 2 seconds.
As a Paladin I can do 1 better.
I can Divine Shield and drop all the threat onto the poor healer who tried to keep me alive.
OP, you got utterly destroyed here.
Might want to have a stronger argument next time.
I’m not going to argue with you. You’re just calcitrant about other statements that don’t agree with your opinion.
I still disagree with your statement.
So what do you think you’re doing to generate aggro, and what about it is relevant to this? Because you’re being incredibly vague with this scenario, and all it’s doing is giving people like Camel ‘room’ to breathe because they think your situation applies in dungeons, when it doesn’t.
Love the fit
you know i play healers, tanks, and dps, right? i’m not speaking about a hypothetical strategy that might work. i’m telling you how i and everyone else i play with stays alive even when the tank doesn’t pull just one mob at a time.
ignore it if you like, whatever, but stop blaming tanks for your failure to do things the way most groups expect.