No. You didn’t quote anything.
I’m pretty sure my statement above shows the text I’m referring to
Unless a mob has some mechanic that either makes them target something other than their primary target or a threat reset then they wont change targets.
If neither of those things are a mechanic and you have threat on something during a pull, either you pulled something the tank didn’t or you did something that generates threat.
It’s also worth noting that there are a lot of things in this game that aren’t damage/healing that generate threat in what would normally be a negligible amount, but not during the pull when the tank has no threat built up.
If you do get mobs on you, you should ensure they get pulled on top of the tank so their AoE spam naturally picks it up.
I’ve seen too many people run around in circles hoping the tank notices and taunts.
None of which was an opinion, so I’m really curious what you disagree with. Please quote it.
The problem isn’t with doing pulls, the problem is most PUG tanks can not hold the attention of those pulls once they finally get them back to the group.
Well, then the aggro I’ve seen over the past years was a bug? it’s only happened since I started playing back in BC. Not sure why though
Yeah, I pull whatever stragglers I get to the tank, as people are suggesting. I get that some of this stuff seems like a given — like staying with the tank, bringing mobs to the end-spot of the pull — and that’s the stuff that’s reasonable to expect if something happens to mess up a pull.
But couldn’t all of this be avoided BY communicating?
Sorry, they “disagree” with that.
Love people that try to declare themselves a good tank but yet seemingly can’t make it obvious to their party that their either going to LOS it or pull to some point.
Guess I must just be spoiled running with a tank that actually communicates even with randoms, will ping LOS point if he’s going to LOS pull or ping himself if he’s just running through. Yano, communication… what actually good tanks should be doing.
It doesn’t pull any faster than small back to back pulls. And the healers with their whacked out weak heals right now can better sustain.
If you can’t play as a team member, then do follower dungeons yourself or run with friends that like that stuff.
While I agree with the general sentiment, it is the job of the tank to recognize what pace his dps are capable of setting pretty early one. If it’s clear you groupmates are boarding on NPC status, probably doesn’t do you any good to pull like they know what’s going on.
yes it does. i’m not popping cds for a 2-mob pull.
that’s a play issue. my mw is like 572 and can hit 1m hps on big pulls
I love how the people with these opinions think we’re toxic for being fine with fast pulls, but they reveal themselves to have a million unrealistic expectations of their tanks in queued, unfailable content.
All I expect of a tank is to hold aggro and live. That’s the role’s job. I don’t expect them to be a leader, I don’t expect them to pull in any specific way, I don’t even really expect them to “recognize the pace” like so many people say, we’re all brain off in these Normal dungeons. Heroics, too, frankly.
Who said two mobs? There are smaller packs than everything up to the first boss.
It isn’t. Some healers have oddly weaker heals right now and it’s either a scaling issue or a numbers for those healers issue.
a good tank pays attention to make sure their group can actually keep up with his pulls. sounds to me like op is a bad tank.
It’s likely that threat is being generated in a way that might not be noticed, and the player might not even think about.
I’m sure it’s not responsible for all of them, but things like buffing or a regenerating resource(mana, energy, rage, etc.) from certain abilities generates threat.
I’m not gonna say it’s impossible a bug exists(and hasn’t been fixed in 20 years), but in my experience a lot of players generate threat in smalls ways they don’t realize. Most of the time it’s not an issue because tanks generate so much of it now.
It’s also something it’d be nice to get things like Retribution Aura back in its’ original form for, which helped mobs stick to paladin tanks.
Anybody who disagrees with that is gonna have to agree to being shot in the face by the mobs.
They do, and you don’t have to attack for this to happen. It’s so, so sad that me, the worst player on WoW, knows more about this from skinning on the overworld than they do from doing actual real content. But I know what they’re going to say, because they already said it a couple times.
“Then don’t attack until the tank gathers haha bad stupid lol.”
they’re the same people complaining that tanks now are bad. they pop cds the millisecond the tank enters combat, focus on a single mob, and just stand still. they think this is the correct way to play, and blame the tank.
edit: and the best part is they’ll never even attempt to run toward the tank to save themselves. they’ll just stand in one spot and die (or run away from the tank) and then die and you’ll see “tank???” in chat
Literally though. its that simple. open your eyes and pay attention instead of immediately unloading while the tank is still positioning.