I do not know if something is wrong on my end, but the second I see someone’s “>>” I get stressed out, because for some reason, their continued post(s) do not show for me. I have to reload my UI just to see what comes next.
I felt so terrible because I was having an encounter with someone and I thought they straight up disconnected or stopped replying or something, so I emoted a goodbye and left. They messaged me after I walked away and said that they responded and had been standing there for quite some time. -I- was the one that didn’t respond. It happens during emotes, say, whisper-all of that. I don’t know what the issue is.
Do people that use this addon know that not everyone can see their split/extended responses immediately? The only reason I can even see their follow up posts is because I edited my chat history to remain even when I log out or reload. Is there a way to work around this? I seriously don’t want to /reload after every response.
I have no idea what the issue could be then! I see. Well, thanks for letting me know it does work for someone. I guess I have troubleshooting to do or something.
I use ElvUI and one of my chat settings allows me to keep my history. I even added timestamps, too. So, if I log out at 6AM and login tomorrow at 1PM, my chat will have those messages I last saw at 6AM the previous day. Such a life saver should a disconnect happen or someone whispers me and I log out just when I noticed. Things like that.
I also usually use ElvUI though I’m kinda new to some of it; I’d like to find that option. Would be a lifesaver as you said. I just know all the addons are breaking and then being updated atm. So I’ve been waiting for a bit.
Sounds like there might be an issue with multiple chat addons interacting. I’d turn off each addon that affects chat one at a time while a friend spams some long emotes at you. Hopefully you’ll be able to figure it out!
I didn’t even know there was another one around. I might look into it. I’m fast with typing, so I usually just press enter and hammer away to continue. That, or I keep my little notes open and copy paste in chat real quick.
I don’t have any chat addons, personally. I did try not using ElvUI at one point and I didn’t notice much of a difference. If that was somehow the issue, I would just rather suffer because I’m too dependent on it. Lmaoo but yea! Thanks, I’m sure it’ll sort eventually. Maybe. If not, cheers to the awkward silences I will give people in the near future.
However, I also use EmoteSplitter (as do most of my friends), and none of us have ever had any trouble seeing the entire message. Like Rainaa said above, the only time the full message isn’t visible is when one of us forgets to press ‘Enter’ when prompted.
For what it’s worth, I don’t use ElvUI. I am not sure whether any of my friends do, though my wife does - and she’s never had issues seeing my posts, either.
I have the same issue. No idea how to fix it. I don’t think it’s an addon incompatibility because I’ve tested it in isolation (no other addons installed and all previous addon data deleted) and it still didn’t display right.
However, I do have a semi walk-around. There’s an addon called elephant that archives text channels. The second half of the emote shows up there even when it’s not in the normal chat ui.
I’ve used Emotesplitter for years and years, never had a problem like this. Potentially, the person using it didn’t hit enter to complete their emote. I’m curious why you didn’t message them OOC just to nudge? I’d done that at least. But, I’m sorry you experienced this! You might want to update your add-ons and try to figure out which one is interfering with Emotesplitter.
Currently using it myself and haven’t had any problems sending or receiving, buuut you aren’t the first person I’ve seen having a problem.
If you have it, it might help to delelelelet the WTF data for it and the addon, and also whisper the person that you can’t see their stuff! I wonder what could be happening…
I ended up doing so! I should have said. I didn’t have chat history on at that time but I felt SO bad. but now I’m looking into it. Some people said some people forget to press enter. I’m not sure since I don’t currently have it but I definitely will do better with communicating that!