People should be penalized for leaving mythic+ keys

They left because they didn’t want to play with you. It’s pretty simple and you wanted to punish them for it.

stop acting silly…

the dps didnt feel like carrying the healer you just said it… he left because he probably thought he was in a carry group and wasnt getting anything for it or maybe he needed the key for his achievement…

the lesson here is to avoid pugging if possible not too difficult to understand.

Because people who do 15s this late into the expansion either
A) Do it for their weekly chest
B) Farm for 1 specific piece of gear
C) Raise their IO
D) For fun. And bad dungeons are not fun.

For points A and B, once again, if you can run the same dungeon 3 times with a good group, spending 90 minutes in a bad group is just a waste of time.

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The +16 was last week not this +15 run.

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You’re gonna keep pushing this narrative to the guy until when? It’s not his fault that people left or even joined in the first place. He had a key for +15 and was opening for others to join, they bailed and lowered his key again.
If you wanna push your IO/clear times then make a closed group with that mindset, people who pug want to gear up first. It’s a vicious cycle that only hurts the community, joining parties with high expectations. It’s a pug for godsake, the likelihood that you will find the perfect pug group is so low I don’t even know why people always expect it to happen. Join a guild or some secret society raiding group or stop being a stuck up b.

I mean sure, that’s my bad there… over sight but then again that’s the risks when you decide to pug.

write that you’re learning tanking on high keys either people will understand or you will find people that think you were joking and will leave regardless… you can’t avoid such things when you put your key in risk of pugs.

Narrative? That’s exactly what happened lol. Dude didn’t want to play with him, so he left and the OP wants to punish him as a result.

OPs highest times key is a 10. A 15 is very different from a 10.

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i know but say you are in my situation in a pug not with a perfect team, Its your key and someone just leaves, your key gets downgraded and you loose on the weekly chest, you may be really good and dont find that an issue, but try to see it from a perspective of someone that its not easy for him to get that +15. Knowing that doing pugs will result in someone leaving and you loosing out on your key is a terrible feeling.

RaiderIO says you haven’t been anywhere near these.

Once again, take your downgraded key, time it, then finish a 15. If you can’t do that, then you don’t get the loot.

of course it’s… it’s a big difference in everything. I’m not blaming the guy for trying to make a jump but tanks have the biggest responsability of the group due the season affix… there has to be some pre planing and willing to learn routes and pulls…

blame dev’s for the affix OP

MDT has literally saved my life lol. It makes dungeons 200% easier as a tank.

People leave keys dude. Nearly everyone agrees the key depletion system can be a bit ruthless and unforgiving at times, but this isn’t queueable content. There never has and never will be a penalty for leaving custom-formed groups, outside of one imposed socially.

If you are going to do difficult keys, you will deplete from time to time. You will outright fail to finish. Either mentally prepare yourself for it, or just save yourself the pain and stop now. This is like asking your gym to penalize your workout partner because he got sick of your lifting plan and left you mid workout.

Your argument is just pure sophism, people do M+ to gear up all the way up to 15.
Also that’s the whole point he is trying to make. It shouldn’t be beneficial to just ditch someone’s key and immediately join another party.

That’s an issue with the system, not the people playing. No one should be forced to play with anyone else, sorry.

Yeah but what if i do the +14 and again someone leaves and my key gets downgraded again. Do you do pugs all the time? I’ve had to 4 man some keys with i play dps with my tank friend because people leave. That’s why I say to punish them in some way like they do in normal dungeons.

I only pug

Except the this flips your whole argument, the keyholder gets punished for people leaving.

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They are penalized, they have wasted their time in a dungeon that got them nothing but a little grief.

I don’t agree with any more penalty than that because you should be running those with friends/guildmates anyway.