People Selling Gold, maybe Gold Hack?

this man “Oogrago” are inviting people to join a chat channel named with website link “MYWOWGOLD” for sell gold


I’ve gotten several of those on Netherwind, since the transfers. I think they tried to transfer gold to catch a newer population. I haven’t played in the options, but I’d like to be able to disable those chat invites.

It’s the new gold seller strategy since you can’t report a channel invite.

If you whisper them, you can right-click report your whisper, select spam, and put gold seller in the comments. That way they still get banned.

You can disable chat channel invites. It’s in the same area on the Interface options as blocking guild invites; just can’t remember the page off the top of my head.

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Best thing to do is report him and move on. They must be either duping gold or hacking accounts to steal gold. There is an option in interface / social that lets you block channel invites.

Thanks, I’ll check it out next time I’m in game.

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thanks, reported this man now

They’re a little tricky to report, but someone wrote up a ‘how-to’ in the CS forums:

There’s also a blue post regarding it. They’re aware of how these scammers are doing it and are looking to make it easier for players to report.

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I got one of those invites a while ago at the Crossroads. I just ignored it.