People seem to love to insult the lead narrative designer

Do I need to be a 4 star chef to know you don’t put a turd on a sandwich?

Same principle applies to stories…


That’s not up to me. I’m not making these claims.

And you think I can provide evidence when I can’t post any outside (by outside I meant third party) links.


SL’s fall from grace came later on. Okay…demon hunters can’t see dreadlords. for some reason. We didn’t find that out till Borthia.

Umm…we found a plot hole guys. Big one. this was in fact the basis in fact to how DH’s rejoin up with their faction. we go see dreadlords trying to kill leaders. we then somehow got drafted into this crap.

and we see dreadlords behind a damned rock wall in our intro too.

and in beta your can’t judge as we lack content. I see the big old X on screen for fill in laters for beta lol.



Before and after a link. I’ll be waiting.


I guess you don’t know how these forums work don’t you. You need to be rank 3 to post anything from third party sources.

Nope. I used this method yesterday as I am unable to post links myself. It bypasses that restriction. What you do with that is up to you.

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If you can’t then how would you expect me to do so myself. Like you don’t even make any sense and you know what I am done with this. Rather you believe or don’t that’s completely up to you but for me I am done typing for today.

Tried to help you get us the information you allegedly possess, you feign ignorance. We are indeed done here.


A child could of written a more cohesive narrative in 15 minutes. The issue is regardless of how long they were given they’ve produced a narrative that contradicts itself multiple times and some parts just straight up don’t make sense.


You can also post a URL as so:

Click the
symbol above the text box.

Replace the highlighted text you now see with the URL link you want to share.

Like so…
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I’m not the lead writer of any particular thing, so I don’t see why my skill, or lack thereof, has any relevance to my criticism of Steve Danuser.

If I say Danuser’s a bad writer, I’m not also making the claim that I’m a good one.


The whole “danuser got afrasalami history and it was unable to change” argument crumbles once you point out the 2 walking contradictions to the lore team not having time to change stuff: Zekahn and Denatrius.
Zekhan is the most agredious, since they had the time not only to expand his screentime once people took a like on him, but also to put him on a fully rendered cinematic by the end of bfa.


Aka, I’ve been caught out in a lie and no amount of backpedaling will allow me save face.

Multiple people have showed you how to post a link even without trust level 3.

If you REALLY wanted to prove something you would of figured that out yourself without the explanation by playing around with the link(that’s how I found out when i really wanted to prove a point). It’s obvious that you don’t want to link your “source” because it doesn’t exist.


well most people ain’t getting paid to write stories. you would think they would be halfway decent lol. i can guarantee ya someone is probably saying you suck at the job your doing and getting paid for you just don’t know it or you might know and just don’t care cause danuser seems to think he’s fine or acts that way.

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To quote Tim Allen in Galaxy Quest: “It doesn’t take a great actor to spot a bad one, you’re sweating”.

WoW’s story is objectively in the worst state it’s ever been. The story lead’s retcons and changes have driven off large amounts of the fan-base, several of the most loyal lore nerd fanboys and many others. They make little sense, the arrogant and obviously false, patronizing and insulting lies they tell the userbase about these plot points not being new or retcons but part of original design are just more insult to injury and continue to showcase the unchanged by any amount of scandal contempt the devs have for the playerbase. What other company with a franchise of this kind of value treats their story and customers this way? None.

By no metric can you consider the current writing better than the writing in the Wrath era and that objectively was not the best writing in the world. There are series and movies and properties with much, much better writing than WoW but WoW’s writing and lore has gone from tongue-in-cheek serviceable even if highly derivative to just in the toilet and making rude gestures at role-players and story lovers.

It’s not just the story quality, it’s the contempt with which it is delivered. By people who have no reason to be anything but incredibly humble towards their fans in hopes of understanding but who instead act as if they are each of them a Tolkien or better writer and their writing is a gift to gaming-kind.


If a story is bad, it’s just bad.
And this one has been complete refuse.

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how not my sexy bikini goat in glasses :goat: ? If a writer or screenwriter wasn’t paid out of thin air, then the WGA would never have existed.



For that what has fought so hard to maintain the subscription and never, never WoW, be it retail or Classic outside f2p.

This is like saying people can attack a financial institution for blowing up an economy while they are not a financial institution.

Basically what im trying to say is, you dont have to be a specialist to criticize a specialist. A doctor told my grandma she had shingles and it turned out 3 years later it was lung cancer the whole time. Now can i criticize the doctor for not scanning her the year before or the year before that? Yea i can, do i have to be a doctor to critize him? of course not.

Your argument is just awful.

What about people criticizing trump or other world leaders if they are not a world leader themselves… The list can go on and on


If this was our first rodeo, you might have a leg to stand on.

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