People Rolling on Gear They Don't Even Need is a REAL problem in this game

Maybe he rolled for a friend? Maybe he rolled for tmog. Maybe he rolled because for some self righteous reason he thought you were so bad at the game you didn’t deserve the gear and it was better off giving him 100 vendor gold. Who knows?

He was there for the boss kill, he has a right to roll. You aren’t entitled to gear just because your gear sucks. In a meritocracy, you could sorta argue that he is MORE entitled to gear than you since he probably contributed more to the boss kill, having better gear and all. Bottom line, it’s a pug. If someone can roll need, they’re entitled to roll need. If you have an issue with loot maybe you should find a guild to raid with where you don’t have to deal with rng?

Dang, the responses in this thread might be some of the best examples of how selfish and elitist this community can be.

God forbid a dude running LFR to get stronger gear be allowed to get some. Not everyone can afford high-level crafted gear. Transmog rolls exist, so rolling need solely for transmog is incorrect and frankly stupid.

Haven’t seen pettiness on this scale since Wrath when pugs for Naxx were demanding Heroic ICC gearscores.


They’re allowed to roll on it the same as everyone.

You’re doing something wrong if you can’t gather/buy crafted some gear, the Crests are the breakpoint, not the mats. Followed by the embellishments and enchantments, but you can always recraft it. The base weapon, especially at this point isn’t expensive.



Guy killed the same boss you did.

He’s entitled to roll just as you are.

The irony of the op is crazy. What’s actually selfish is expecting gear be given to you for. Being just as mediocre as anyone else.

Don’t worry, if I ever win “your” loot drop, I’ll offer to sell it to you lol :joy:

The short answer is yes, and no.

You were still rolling against other players in that system, it just hid that fact from you instead of letting you see into exactly what’s happening.

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Weapons are for crafting anyways. Long story short join a guild with loot council if this is really an issue

I have no idea why Blizzard doesn’t just do true personal loot. SWTOR has this system and it’s amazing.

You don’t roll against other people, you roll against yourself. The loot goes right into your bag. Want to trade an item you got with someone because you don’t need it? Great, you can!

Open rolls has always been a garbage system.

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Because it sucks for organized raiding and PL encouraged class stacking. Id be fine with it for LFR though.


Explain please.

Well, the swtor system probably doesn’t work in WoW with how homogonized, simplified and boring gear is there. There’s nothing like what WoW has for proc weapons and interesting/unique trinkets.

Also, it would require them to quintuple the amount of loot that drops from raids, which would send the M+ crowd into a tizzy.

Short version is that if you were hunting for a particular item (say, spymaster’s web) that can only drop for certain loot specs, you could stack the raid with a lot of people using that loot spec (so 2 bears with balance loot, and a full raid of casters) to increase the odds that Spymaster’s drops, then trade it to the person who wanted it.

GL solves this, by removing comp from the question about what drops.

People defend this for some reason so I just roll NEED on everything the games allows me to and then sell to whoever wants, even in M+ now.

I look at it differently. It’s really nice to not have to stress out over gear.

I’m not sure why. Just because you’re rolling against yourself doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to win the roll.

Don’t people do this anyways with the FOTM classes?

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Because theres two forms of PL possible: soulbound if ilvl upgrade or you can freely trade. Both have issues. If soulbound on ilvl upgrade you will have bad jewelry and trinkets for your class that could be absolute bis for another person on your raid team which obviously sucks. If its not soulbound you’re putting many raiders into the position where they are trading off upgrades to LC to help the raid but it will feel very bad especially if your new on the team and don’t know if you will stay.

The only way PL would be favorable is if they tripled or quadruple the loot that drops.

Basically if you are cloth ,leather ect you stack the same gear type because this means more possible loot for you. This is especially true with boosters and splits.

Because with how WoW raids work, dropping a fixed number of items, the only way to avoid rolling against other players for loot is to make it so everyone always gets an item. With the previous PL system in WoW, you were still always rolling against the entire raid for everything.

Currently, a 25 player raid drops 5 items, so to bring the true no rolling against anyone else system in, we’d have to raise that to 25.

Well, my point is to change it. What different would it make if more than five people in a raid get gear?

Simply changing it to a flat 20% chance rolled individually introduces the possibility that you kill a boss and 0 items drop.

While 5 items would be the most likely, that would only happen about 20% of the time.

If you’re going that route, it also introduces the chance of 25 items dropping.

While technically true, the odds are well within a rounding error of 0 (aprox 3*10^-18, or 3 in a billion billion). Another thing to note is that is that the odds of 0 items dropping goes up as your group gets smaller.

For a 10 player raid, it means just over 10% chance of getting 0 items.

You’re fifteen years too late to expect courtesy from randos in this game. Cross-realm queueing removed any incentive to actually use need vs greed as its intended.

I do feel bad about your experience, but WoW’s community is trash so you shouldn’t expect anything else. Want more evidence that people who play this game are trash? Look at the responses you got in this thread.


People are going to flame you but I agree. The people yelling about it being track upgrade are idiots. Last night, 2nd night in a row a decked out 626 geared player beat me on 3 rolls, for stuff was not an upgrade track for them. I am now doing absolutely nothing in LFR until its fixed.

Oh I queued as a healer on my shaman? Time to spam lighting bolt for 3 minutes. Oh I joined on my demo lock? Time to cast implosion every once in a while.