I was just in a run on my warrior and a two hander dropped that I’ve been trying to get for months now. I rolled a 74 and the highest roller got an 89.
Why is this a problem you ask? This dude already had a crafted 615 ilevel two hander. The two hander he rolled on was much lower ilevel than the one he already had.
Why is this allowed to happen in game? Why? It is SO INSANELY FRUSTRATING going up against people that roll on gear they don’t even need.
To give this even more emphasis on why this is such a problem, I had stated in chat that I hoped I would win the roll and the person that won the two hander sent me a whisper saying LOL come here. They threw the two hander in the trade and right before they hit trade they ran away. I was confused cause i thought this guy was actually trying to give me the two hander so I followed the guy and tried opening up trade. Nothing. No response. So I waited a couple minutes and tried again later to try and open up trade again. He did the same thing again. He put the two hander in the trade and right as he put it in trade he left group.
This dude 1000% legimitately trolled me. I actually could have used this piece of gear but this guy legimately chose to rub it in my face.
Blizz. You guys REALLY NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PROBLEM. WHY is it that people can roll on lower ilevel gear that they don’t even need ahead of people that could actually use the item! I have come to the forums to complain about this numerous times but I keep getting shut up every single time I do. It is insanely frustrating on all ends here.
Because with the upgrade system it can still be an upgrade.
So can everyone else that loses a roll. Deal with it.
Was probably just there for xmog. Back when CN was still current I ran it on Normal every week until I got all of the red plate set because I thought it looked cool, even though it wasn’t a gear upgrade.
I do think Blizzard could probably do something to separate gear appearance from actually having it to equip for people who are only seeking xmog, though. Would probably be a happy middle ground that appeases everyone.
The geared do not exist to feed/funnel gear to you. An upgrade for you does nothing to improve his game state. A mog unlock for him and gold when it gets sold does (let alone if he manages to get people to buy it from him directly).
Even if he went to upgrade it, it still would have been a lower ilevel than what he currently had so this argument is null.
Unless it had a specific proc it can still be an upgrade.
Especially if its a warrior.
End of the day it wasnt yours till you won the roll
He wasn’t a warrior and there wasn’t a proc on the weapon. This dude legitimately rolled on a piece of gear he wasn’t even going to use. I don’t know why anyone even chooses to try and argue this. It makes zero logical sense.
Sure, he could have been a more gracious winner, but he did his part in the group and deserves as fair a chance as anyone to win a reward.
There’s a greed roll option for a reason. Your argument is invalid. The ONLY reason he rolled on it was to take it away from other people period. Also if you’re going to try and make the argument for gear, I out dpsed him by 150k overall so…
Well if they win, they get the gold from selling it and possibly a transmog. If you win it, they get nothing. So when they weigh up those options it makes zero logical sense for them not to roll.
Eh, no, people who think dice rolls are unfair deserve it. This is the game mode these clowns asked for, see what happens when you group with people who don’t owe you anything.
As much as it frustrates me and goes against how i’d prefer things be, all you can do now is just need on everything you’re allowed to need on and join the rest of them lol
There’s a greed roll option there for a reason…
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You have no way of knowing this. Maybe he had been after the mpg for months just like you?
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This is working the same way PL would rofl
I don’t understand people with this mindset. For the longest time you haven’t been able to roll on a piece of gear as a need roll if you already have a piece that’s a higher ilevel. For whatever reason with this expansion they changed it so people can roll on lower ilevel gear. It’s a flaw and that’s why I’m pointing it out.
I mean, why are they less entitled to it than you just because you chose not to also buy a crafted one? You get to just save gold while they put theirs towards gear, plus you also get priority on the drops? How is that fair?
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I do have a way of knowing this because I inspected him and saw that he already had a piece of gear that was far better than he was rolling on to begin with. Do people even read before they comment?
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