Nope. Worked this way in DF too. It has to be the specific item at a higher ilevel.
There’s a Transmog option there for a reason. Again this makes zero sense because for as long as WoW has existed, you don’t roll NEED on gear that you don’t actually NEED. Must be new to the game.
Greed = pass in LFR and the dude could just as easily been in there specifically for mog items. Again, what does passing on gear so YOU can get geared up do to improve HIS overall game state? Your increased performance isn’t going to be in his keys or future raids. That item PURELY benefits you.
You can get your own damn 619 crafted weapon too. The game literally gives the enchanted crest away for doing a simple and quick questline. Nobody should “need” a weapon by that logic except dual wielders.
Never met a hunter in vanilla?
The only way to prevent it would be for Blizzard to make their own sims and have the game sim the player’s gear against the piece of loot that dropped to determine if it’s an upgrade or not. Which is far too much work just to solve petty loot disputes.
Whether it be this expansion specifically or last one it doesn’t matter. It’s been this way for years and the fact that they changed it to begin with is the problem that I’m having…
Hasn’t worked that way since GL was brought back.
PL didn’t work that way either.
Take your own advice, I specifically said mog.
Take your own advice. And I specifically said there’s a TRANSMOG OPTION ROLL FOR A REASON.
You lost the roll. Get over it
You lost the argument. Get over it.
I’d just accept the reality we live in.
I’m not going to say if the guy need it or not, but there are many cases where someone doesn’t need something but rolls anyway for Mog. A lot of people have suggested transmog rolls be separate from gear rolls (I.e someone gets the gear and someone gets the appearance), and that seems to be the best solution.
When that happens? Hard to say if it will, so I would unfortunately get use to peopling “needing” gear they don’t appear to need. I wouldn’t get into circular arguments about it.
If you reinforce the need button, geared players don’t have a reason to join your raid, you get longer queues, longer kills, to end up still losing because now someone who you deem worthy of winning, for arbitrary reasons, will win it over you.
In a revolving door environment, the transmog button is utterly useless. There’s always gonna be someone that can hit need.
And you still aren’t getting that those buttons may as well be linked to the pass button in LFR. You want loot preferential consideration? Join a dedicated group and run content with them. Don’t expect random people who took the time to be better than you to give you charity drops at the expense of their effort for even showing up to carry lessers to kills.
Because that is what you are expecting…to bring your trash alt/main and be spoonfed the gear because you “need it more”.
Well then they wouldn’t have gotten it. How does that help them?
There’s always a worse geared alt who needs it more!
Shockingly I actually won 2 or 3 tmog rolls in LFR in DF, so it is possible
The moment someone turns to insults is the moment they lost the argument. Thanks for the W bud
I didnt lose the argument because there isnt an argument. You are throwing a tantrum because you lost the roll.
Why does this matter? Isn’t all that matters…
If the other player was in the same group as you were, that player has just as much right to get any gear that drops as you do. And if that player won the roll, that player won the roll.
Yeah, that player trolled you for a bit, but you knew the job was dangerous when you took it. You knew that any player had as much right to claim a piece of gear as you did. And you lost the roll.
It’s not.
He participated in the kill, therefore he deserves his fair chance at loot.