People reporting account bans for afk reports in bgs

@blizz, how about dialing it back a bit, all we really need is a vote to kick option.


I call Bs and trolling. They dont ban someone for being afk in a bg. Maybe if it was his 20th offense…then and only then…maybe.


Is this in retail??

Never heard of it, unless it’s a very very recent (stealth) change

I know they sometimes give account bans for afking in Classic and TBCC, but supposedly the rules are different over there/less tolerance for afk behavior

Retail really is a joke/slap on the wrist for afking. Sometimes they get booted from the BG by vote-out/afk reports, but as far as I know nothing “serious” ever happens to them (the ones that do it all the time and always seem to have “0 damage done”)

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Imagine taking a single reddit post claiming something outlandish this serious.

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I have been in a BG or RBG on multiple occasions where someone capped a base but I sat it and no one attempted to flip it the entire match. I sat in stealth the entire with 0’s across the board. I didn’t even receive the “if you don’t enter combat you will be removed” notice.

Retail they don’t ban for afking bgs, but in TBC classic they do for some reason.

Did something similar for OP, just sat at nodes on my TBC char because it had no gear and died nearly instant to aoe/dots. Within 8 games and 24 hours I was banned for a week for BG non-participation. Meanwhile people buy gold, hack, say racist things, and get lesser bans or takes months to ban. It’s super strange.

relax, i got you:


This became a thing when they botched TBC launch and awarded more honor for 1 day prepatch. Then Blizz nerfed honor by 10 times (was too much) So then people were annoyed when they nerfed honor so everyone started AFKing in BGs to get fast losses. Especially AV.

So then Blizz started banning AFKers despite their mishandling of everything.

So to sum up…Blizz made a mistake, didn’t fix it for those who took advantage of it. Made another mistake punishing all those who didn’t. Then Banned people who were annoyed at Blizz’s mistakes.

At the end of the day usually Blizz is wrong but they rarely admit it when they can just Ban instead cause they got your money.

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No way does this happen on retail. If it did, then we wouldn’t remember the names of habitual afkers.


I just got a one week ban for BG none participation.

They just gave it to me the night before pre=patch, and pretty sure this came from some AFKing in AV weekend 19th-22nd, I was playing all day all weekend and had moments when food and washroom breaks and other things distracted me, I was playing WAY TO MUCH. so I 100% had afk’s and times i wasn’t playing cause of playing overkill.

I haven’t BGed since then, so it’s from that AV weekend, an d now the ban happens, fitting.

Yep I got banned too. One day before Pre-patch. BS. Just hit 70 last week… Got banned because I afk’d once

Their punishment is to steep for first time offenders.
We are picking up the punishment for them wanting to send a message the the REAL exploiters, and we got caught up in that ban wave.

Maybe you are the real exploiter?

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Pretty much, anyone that AFK’s in a BG because of Real life issues should be banned for exploiting. makes sense.

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I can see anyone who’s AFKing in a BG at spawn, walking around in circles saying they’re not afk…should be banned for whatever label you want to give it.

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If you’re going to change the laundry out and get food then don’t queue bgs to just sit afk? Kinda odd perception you have that you don’t see the fault in your actions.


Parents are the ones most hurt by that. Sometimes your kids need you now. Not after the bg, but now now. I think they should be vote kicked from the bg for not participating, but not banned for a week.


Idk I got 4 kids. I just don’t play til they go to bed. If I do happen to play while they’re up and I have to afk out of a single bg then I don’t believe that’s a bannable offense. That’s what deserter is for.

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It’s not really a ban, it’s a 7 day suspension, I’ve had a few due to my unfiltered Australian English in bg chat and trade chat lol.

Sometimes my kid will play my hunter in bgs while I cook dinner or something lol.

If your character doesn’t move long enough the game auto kicks anyway.

Just type /afk if you want to leave. We don’t care about your kids.