People opposed to Convenant lockins

Stop speaking for the community as a whole. I for one WANT convenant choice to matter. Choices SHOULD matter. Otherwise there is no point giving us a choice to begin with.

One of Blizzards GREATEST faults was letting us choose to side with Sylvannas, or keep N’zoths eye, only for it to not matter AT ALL. It’s like those old JRPG games where you can CHOOSE to be a jerk, but they just say, now surely you don’t mean that! You will save the dying orphans right? (Yes No <) Now surely you don’t mean that! You will save the dying orphans right? (Yes sigh… < No)


Here we go :popcorn:


(Pulls up a chair).
I promise my hands are clean.

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@Zhoe You’re cute. :wink:

Takes out whole lasagna from backpack

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Decided to edit.
You’re voicing your opinion, just like other people on the forums. It just so happens that a vast majority of players don’t think it’s a solid idea.


Are you trying to suggest i’m speaking for the community here? I’m stating my personal opinion, and i am PART of the community. Thus they no right to speak for the community as a whole, even if i’m the ONLY one who disagrees, which i am NOT.


It’s not really a choice when Blizzard “tunes” the abilities/content after you’ve decided and you find yourself locked in to something you never actually asked for.


Wheres Grumbles with the popcorn?

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Thats why they shouldn’t. There are two choices here that make sense.

  1. Make it locked in permanently, and do not make tuning changes. Bug fixes are fine, as long as the overall performance remains the same. Thus everyone who does their research and makes an informed decision, cannot complain with what they end up with. (As an example here Hunter glaive bounce damage bonus was calculated incorrectly and has been nerfed, base damage increased to maintain overall damage)
  2. If changes MUST be made, make specific targeted refunds available ONLY for those people. If they severely nerf X Convenant for priests. Priests with that convenant only get a full refund and can pick again. Easy, peasy.

Don’t worry. I brought enough :slight_smile:

OOOoooo and lasagna.


Popcorn is a few posts up. Everyone knows Grumbles brings the cookies. :slight_smile:


Sounds fine, but neither of those things is going to happen.

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My only opposition to any covenant restrictions is the use of transmog once you have them unlocked from multiple covenants. I hope that Blizzard either rescinds that restriction or at the very least rescinds it after Shadowlands is over.

I need to mix and match to be pretty!


That i could see. If you unlock an appearance they shouldn’t be able to take it back because they’re salty.

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Sounds like you speak for the minority and the majority dont want to be locked into covenants.

We know blizzard is gonna rebalance these things all the time and its going to be pissing a lot of people off if they have a permanent disadvantage because blizz hot fixed stuff.


Their flubbing of those choices should give you pause when considering how they’ll support Covenants. That and their complete inability to balance Azerite traits, Essences, and Corruptions.


If we’re hell bent on making “Choices matter” let’s also make specs perma/behind dailies too


There is no logical reason to want covenants to remain locked.

If you as a player want your choice to be meaningful, you can chose to simply not ever change your covenant.

Me being able to change my covenant in no way affects your game or your choices.


Why do these threads always start out with some overly dramatic tone?

A.) No one can speak for you but you.

B.) Choices in games have never mattered. You still end up doing what devs wanted you to do all along.


Source please!

Let’s see those verifiable numbers!