People opposed to Convenant lockins

They’re confusing vocal and non-vocal majorities. We actually don’t know who the majority or minority is, Blizzard probably has a better inkling to it than we do, but it’s pretty up in arms. I’ve been places were they are 100% pro covenants as is, I’ve been places the other way. For me it doesn’t really matter too much which direction it goes. I just want to do torghast. :slight_smile:

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Thank god I got some rum for this. :tropical_drink:

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Imagine if siding with Sylvannas replaced Chaos Bolt with Wet Noodle Bolt. “Though choice”, “RPG element”.

Most of us WANT covenant choice to matter, not be decided because one of them lets us keep Chaos Bolt.

I’d be all for Covenants to be unswappable, fully locked in, IF there was absolutely no player power component to it.


There should be a way to unlock the ability to swap covenants freely, imo. Just make it take four times as much effort as leveling up a single covenant, or give it a really long questline that has the player reconcile the anima drought for all four factions in some way.

You do realize come 10.0 your meaningful choice isn’t going to matter .

The only real meaningful choices that impactful in this game are race, class and spec/s


Indeed. Rp choices do matter. The moment you add gameplay to them the rp choice matters less. By all means though, show me any other mmorpg that’s rp choices lock you into gameplay beyond class.

And you think a borrowed power system will be different…how? Not to mention they will be swappable at launch.


I don’t really care either way, but. Vocal people on the forums =/= ‘vast majority’.


Yeah, I don’t think we’ll have a good understanding of how the mainstream WoW players feel about Covenants until they’re out.

I still think they will be unpopular, but I could be wrong. Maybe the players will love a more restrictive character power system.

I agree feels good man!

So by “choices” you mean, choosing between the Covenant that atm gives me more gameplay advantages due to my class and spec, or the one that thematically and narrative I would prefer for this character?

Because dear Leafblight, that be the choice I am facing here with the Covenants. Choosing between Bastion, the Covenant with thus far what appears to have the best apparent abilities for Ele and Enh, and decent for Resto; or choosing any of the others I’d much rather choose due to it actually making more sense for my Goblin Shaman here. WOW! Such a meaningful decision!


At this point I think that “the vast majority” is unfamiliar with any specifics and trusting Blizzard that the hype will become reality.

I don’t think this will play out as “just another expansion”.

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I thought battlefronts looked amazing. Lets hope you’re not as disapointed as i was.

Works for me. I’m affliction so that means it would probably make my Unstable Affliction, UNSTOPPABLE DEATH!!!XXXDEATHX! That’s how convenants mostly seem to be working, great for some specs, garbage for others.

As for your ridiculous example, i’d simply NOT choose to support her then. If RP is more important to you, you can choose TO support her. But at least then your choice would actually MATTER.

Yeap, sometimes you have to choose between a giant D and a turd sandwich.

Which is pretty bland, as loyalty should be based off your … you know… loyalty. Not whether mathematically siding with her gives you an advantage against bosses unrelated to the conflict.

You know, ROLE PLAYING. My character has no idea about % damage reductions and % AP scaling.

No, if supporting here DIDN’T mean giving up anything, then are you really supporting her?

If your choices always have pleasant results, then it’s not really a choice.

Let’s look at the dictionary definition, shall we?

  • an act of choosing between two or more possibilities

Where’s the “has to have negative consequences” requirement?

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What is the negative consequence to picking 1 super power over the other?


And they can achieve that without forcing us to choose between aesthetics and performance. My opinion has always been that they should make alternate appearances for each ability so that they could thematically work with each Covenant, and then allow you to choose which set of abilities you want to use independently of your Covenant, that way you could have both the theme you prefer and the abilities you find most appealing, while still being restricted to the dungeon bonuses provided by your particular Covenant (any dungeon bonuses that depend on particular abilities could be reworked to get around that). If they did it that way then they could even make changing Covenants much more restrictive than they are.

I’ll give an example of what makes Ion’s stubborn decision a bad one. I absolutely LOVE the Venthyr as an option for my main (this DK), with Necrolords being a distant second choice. However the biggest DK weakness is mobility, and while Venthyr have their teleport it has a cast time associated with it, which makes it a bit situational and not always useful. The Night Fae, on the other hand, have instant cast mobility with Soulshape, which simply makes them the right choice in any content where mobility is important (which is pretty much everything). So either I become a nature loving death knight (:nauseated_face::face_vomiting:) or I gimp myself and potentially hold my group back … neither of those options are appealing or fun and fun is exactly what a GAME is supposed to be.

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ditto. stop speaking for all us.

it’s a terrible idea.

the idea that restricting choice is good is just beyond me. it won’t make the game better.


That sounds awesome, but makes no sense.

Well we all have our priorities don’t we? I’m all in on my covenant since day one and didn’t even consider the abilities.

How is this better?

So you would like it to be worse only if it was even worse… jesus

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I see a lot of people talk about these restrictions like they’re alien to the game. You pick a class, you’re limited to that class’s abilities. Or that class’s order hall. Class sets, etc.

I view this as extending the base class/spec in a direction. Seems potentially more fun to me than being forced to pick x skill for an instance.