People keep asking for pirates! I say we get cowboy/girls and the wild west!

As much as Hearthstone is non-canonical I enjoy how much it manages to play with the IP and give us something interesting.


But we already have tauren.


I’d be down. I know it’s “boring” but I like pretty landscapes, regular places and lifelike mobs.

They are bull men/women and now cowboys/girls.

Hey, if they want to be cow-bois I think we should let them. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Maybe. There are some hat colors still missing. :mag::robot:

…possible i’m overlooking it.

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We had a pirate expansion, it wasn’t too good.


… Go on.

I’m curious.

So, with your “cowboy/girl” expansion, who would be your bad guys?

i want to be japanese samurai and ninja world pls.
warriors get samurai spec, priest are shrine maidens, rogues are ninja lol
locks can be those yokai summoner things. mage can be exorcist etc.

I’m a COW GNOME!!!

On a Squeaky Otter I ride.


BFA had great pirate gear. I still wear BFA mogs on this toon. DF has some good pirate mogs as well.

I grew up in the wild west, so not as interested in cowboys. My uncle had enough trained horses to let his daughters and their friends travel around to parades on his horses, even major cities.

So Red Dead Redemption, But a WoW expansion?

For us solo players that would be GREAT!

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This is you!

I want the wild west. I wanna be a cowboy fox. :fox_face:

Ill fix that for you, “so not interested in Cowgirls”.



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Cowgirls are great! I like how they ride.

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How now, brown cow?

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The Old Guns.
The meanest, creepiest tentacled gunslingers this side of the… the… I forgot which river…