People flocking to ff14 and ignoring what square enix did to a dev

That and emotions are running high right now. The message that was suppose to be said has been infiltrated.

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You know name calling and and generalizing doesn’t help right?

I am not trying to be unreasonable I just don’t think we will see eye to eye… I respect our differences of opinion but I’ll try to explain anyway.

Its video game, I literally do not need to do any of it. Its entertainment, I don’t know if I will enjoy content until I see/do/experience it. To segregate or siphon off the most enjoyable parts (or what can be perceived as the most enjoyable out of my ignorance) and charge a premium for, I don’t want to be a part of.

What else do you use in game currency for? We keep adding layers now and I find these complexities needless and confusing.
Fair is fair I do consider the wowtoken to be pay to win (with extra steps, like gdkp and the legendarys). Which also adds to my overall dissatisfaction with wow right now.

I would be happier paying a higher price for all content or if that content was made available for free after a time rather than being held hostage to it "oh to complete the story pay $X more, it just incentivises keeping the best content out of the base game.

I don’t like freemium models. The quality of the game is either worth the sub price or not, when it is not 100% clear what i get for my money or there is ambiguity in the transaction I opt out.

It hasnt even been explained clearly in this thread by players… it is literally only this post that I am now hearing about “premium in game currency for subbing”.

The problem is I don’t know what the quality of what I am buying is… imagine a fruit shop that sells both rotten and ripe fruit but doesn’t tell you if you are getting rotten or ripe until after you buy or even what fruit you are buying.
Wow has ~15 years of content I have played through… looking back tier on tier I think about which ones I actually enjoyed and which I didn’t or were just “filler” to me. If wow was launching with all the content which would I pay for and which would I avoid?

Storywise, vanilla, tbc and wotlk (except trial of the crusader) I would pay for I think they were great. Cata I would probably skip, MOP I did skip most of it so would probably pay for the alliance vs horde bits but opt out of the rest WOD I would pay a premium to get all the cut content developed and the xpac made into the game we were promised at blizzcon before they gutted it, legion I would skip the first couple of tiers until the lengendary currency was added (though they raids are quite good). bfa/sl I would skip everything outside of raids as its just trash.

Without knowing the content or what the story is, I don’t know what I want to buy or not buy which is why I don’t like the ESO model. If I think I am buying a LOTR-like fantasy novel and get a murder mystery or a fabio romance novel… I am not happy.

Conservatives only pretend to care about the abuse of men when they can use it as a tool to belittle the abuse of women.

The ffxiv flocking happened before the allegations people went there cause it’s a more fun game and WoW had a content drought. People will always flock to whatever fun. They also went to eso and guild wars.

Also it’s funny how white males always take about “why you gotta make everything about race” when saying this “woke” culture is against white males. Ya sure about that? I haven’t seen one person mention race this whole time except white guys.

It isn’t even a male thing. It’s a men in power abusing said power thing in a “bro” frat environment. You do know men get affected by this too? You do know the main allegations aren’t even for a white guy?

Stop watching fox and living in a echo chamber of neck beards acting like victims and grow up

SO MUCH THIS!!! The sexual harassment stuff just tipped the scales. There has been something amiss with Wow for awhile now. The quality of the game has suffered.

I think the scales tipped beforehand. Asmongold was already streaming FF14. These forums were nothing but negativity. The new patch just distracted from it momentarily.

he is right though.


That’s it. That’s the message here.

The person you are arguing with is just a sjw. I wouldn’t pay too much mind to what he says xDD.

where did i ever state i never believed the women who came forward? seems like a biased opinion if you ask me

Sorry I can’t help you then.
Your impression of the game is outdated and missing critical information.
Nothing important to the game is blocked by a paywall at all.
Mmos need to generate revenue to keep going.
They do this as either a subscription model (WoW), free to play with micro transactions, or buy to play with micro transactions (ESO, GW2).

ESO is buy to play with the Option to have a subscription which unlocks additional perks. Nothing in the core game is blocked by not having a subscription. The DLC has nothing to do with the core game. It’s side content that has no relevance at all to the game.

Having a subscription gets you the additional perks of earning in game currency you can use in the shop for bonus stuff. Mounts, pets, cosmetics etc.

All you need to play ESO is the base game and the newest expansion which gives you access to all of the expansions.

You have to keep in mind that Square Enix is under the thumb of Sony, and so far as Sony is concerned, if it is he-said-she-said then the man is always the guilty one. :man_shrugging:

Important is subjective or not left up to the player (in this case me) to decide. I don’t want Paid DLC on top of subscription on top of buy for game. we have established that is needed to get all content.

You already said ESO has a subscription model that gives you in game currency, but other than “premium DLC”, I dont know what else that is used for. Either way I am out. That a buy cost, a DLC cost and a sub cost (which the DLC may/may not be covered by the sub depending on how long you sub and what you consume with it).

Exactly we agree on this, and I say no to that. I want one uniform price like wow has and every other MMO prior has had, I am happy with Buy + sub price… I am not happy with a buy + sub + premium currency + paid DLC mix and match fleece customers as much as you can pricing structure. I asked for a simple model, you have tried to explain it and every explanation unlocks more and more hidden caveats and expenditures.

I’ll chalk it down to this, I want a buffet that I can take what I want (happy to pay more if I take less than what I paid in value from that buffet), I dont want a price per ingredient, with a surcharge for extra toppings. The enjoyment is in the meal not in the assessment of value of the sum total ingredients that make up the meal… I really cant be clearer than that.

With the caveat that there are extra story/lore missions that you can only purchase with premium currency… that is what takes it outside of my comfort zone. If I could buy the latest expansion and a sub… and get every story mission/gameplay moment, with the premium currency only purely used for cosmetics I would be ok with that. The premium currency being used for the DLC story missions is what I based my assessment of it off and what you have now convinced me still exists today… no matter how irrelevant, unimportant or insignificant you deem those gameplay moments as, the idea they are behind a payway I say no to, thats my distinction.

Its also a Japanese company who have VERY different (and sometimes Jarring) conflicts with western values.

I just, never mind.
You’re set on not playing it which is fine, but literally, literally, you could buy ESO and sub and it’s the exact same thing as WoW.
Nothing is removed or blocked at all. You get access to the full game.
The dlc, the store, free in game currency, everything when you sub.
It’s quite literally exactly like every sub based mmo.
The difference is eso offers a non sub option which has limitations.

They say men enjoy it.

But really, most guys I know are ignoring the offending …


can someone please post a picture of one of those swamp hags from The Witcher 3, trying to talk to Geralt, it really shows you what the man is thinking of the woman in this type of situation.

There is little I alone can do to change the behavior of foreign companies. It is a fruitless pursuit for me alone to go after them as it will not result in any change, if there is ever a momentum like there is for Blizzard to improve the quality of life for their employees I’ll join the cause - as it stands now it just doesn’t do anything.

I do hope Bearlyhealn, we all start to push companies to be more ethical to their employees. It doesn’t take much, just spread the word, get people involved. They don’t have to be boycotted initially, but putting pressure on them helps. You are doing that now, which is good hopefully more people will join you.

I’m not sure what the work conditions are like in Japan, how people are treated - I have no first hand experience. If they are horrible, we should strive to improve them though. It is not something that will be done overnight, but with time I think we can work toward a better world. In the US, this kind of nonsense should not at all be acceptable, and the companies that allow it have known for a long time there are repercussions for it.

Yes, I agree.

Apparently some people want to brand that as woke. Don’t know why.

I mean, I know why, I just find it hard to believe people are that awful I guess.

So many are missing the point. If WoW was a fantastic mmorpg with great game play, exciting instanced content, and super pvp, people would be playing despite how horrible the SJW angle might be.

But with WoW in the state that it is currently in (or is perceived to be in), the SJW negatives apparently make the decision to switch to a different mmo much easier for many players.

tl;dr: the SJW is just one reason but not the decisive reason for jumping ship; WoW just isn’t what it used to be

To me woke is conflating workplace bullying and harassment with buzzwords like “of color”, “nonbinary”, “transgender” and other trending social media categories, as if they are punctuation to make your message appear more considered. It is not any worse to degrade/harass/bully an LGBT than it is a straight white man/woman its all illegal and all bad and should be punished… workplace bullying has no place in society PERIOD.

But heres ole Bobby on the campaign trail:

“This is the beginning of an enduring movement in favor of better labor conditions for all employees, especially women, in particular women of color and transgender women, nonbinary people, and other marginalized groups”.

Conflating all the jargon just dilutes the message and the culpability of what really was going on, bullying and workplace harassment, that what needs to be addressed not by us as consumers but by us as members of society.

As consumers our gameplay issues and game dissatisfaction should be addressed.