People don't understand economics in the auction house

That’s hardly any fun at all. Best to reply:


How do you make the listing first without undercutting?

reposting at the same price, makes you first.

Oh, I actually didn’t know that. I just assumed it was put in last for some reason. So it’s ideal to just cancel, and repost at same price every now and then in case other people put it in for same price and they are now first in line.

Jesus. They’re going for 500g on my server. (At least they’re finally selling…after a week and a half of being the only market player with no takers I almost gave up.)

Would be surprised if rank 4 items were 500g.

Indeed, but it works this way.

Item of selling

Most likely to sell is 100g. So you need to post for less than 100g to sell your item first right?

No the most recent item posted at 100g would sell first. So if you put yours up at 100g you are next in line to sell even if though you did not undercut.

Personally i prefer you all do stupid things like fight for the first sold instead of posting and letting it sell. The other dude is right, if you just posted it and left it, it would almost assuredly sell unless someone is 24/7 reposting after sales.

Watching those that view the AH from a buyers perspective instead of a sellers perspective is always good for a laugh. So folks like you will put a price ceiling in markets in order to “make a sale” instead of understanding that you are in fact putting the price ceiling in place by continuously lowering the price and hurting your opportunity to make more gold.

It’s fine, always love the opportunity others make possible.

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I just put those people on ignore, nothing worthwhile ever comes of it.

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The price stays low if they undercut me. If they let mine sell, I raise the price. If no one’s competing with me, I’m not collapsing the price.

Most likely to sell is 100g. So you need to post for less than 100g to sell >your item first right?

No the most recent item posted at 100g would sell first. So if you put yours up at 100g you are next in line to sell even if though you did not undercut.

I know this already. Reagents and items also use a different system though.

This right here is what i am talking about. You will only raise the price if yours sells…think about that.

We aren’t talking about if no one is competing. If you are in control of a particular item then setting the price is up to you and what you are willing to try to sell it for.

Not sure what you are asking here but if it’s what i think…no. You just repost at the same price and your will be at the top and first picked. No need to lower the price at all. So if they try to sell an item for 100g you just put yours up for 100g and then watch to see if someone gets in front of you and repost if you need too, not drop it to 99.99g. I don’t usually bother with things that cheap but you do you.

Yay, quoting gone awry heh.

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I undercut people all the time. This is the way.


Hmmm lots of people tanking the prices to make stuff not worth farming. But you could buy cheap I guess.

You clearly don’t understand the AH either.

1). There is no reason to undercut to make an item sell anymore. It’s first in, first out. Regardless of price.

Aka if you repost your product as the same price, it will sell first.

2). Tanking the market is not wise if the price dips below the cost of mats.

On my server those items are not even worth crafting anymore because of people undercutting.

Well if you have enough gold you can buy that item and sell it higher. Depends on the item and how much you undercut. This is called flipping.

You can… unless too many people are undercutting to control the market properly,

Tanking the market is a strategy if you plan on buying it out.,. But that’s a hit or miss strategy

Then the market will settle. Depending on the item and the demand it can go up or down. If it’s too low no one wants to farm that and no (smart person) will put them up until the prices go up.

Except there are a lot of people like the OP that don’t care because they just want it to sell…

In markets flooded with those type of sellers it’s best to stay clear

Or just buy and farm other stuff : ). The way you profit is to buy cheap and go do other things worth your time to farm.