People DIDN'T Know What They Signed Up For

The issue is not that blizzard did not understand the game, the issue is that you have a few different types of people who joined pvp servers (some of the below may also be combined). Not an all inclusive list, but shows just how convoluted the issue is, and how it is not as black and white as people make it out to be. This may be one of the few areas I actually think Blizz is in the clear on (not many though, they really screwed up a lot with classic in a lot of other aspects, just look at the bug forum)
1:the target audience, who knew what wpvp was like and wanted to relive fond memories
2:The person with zero vanilla experience who got talked into joining a pvp server by their buddy who played wow in vanilla
3: The person who joined pvp without looking at what that meant
4: The person who came from Retail and expected pvp server to be warmode
5: The person who read when Blizzard said the game would be in phases, with warts and all, but thought “nah they wont do that, they will cater to player base if they complain enough”
6: The person who joined because a streamer played on one and made them think it was really cool
7:The person who joined a pvp server based solely on stories from vanilla about how great they were
8:The player who wanted to relive memories, but did not factor into account that they had more time to play in vanilla and now how responsibilities that prevent being able to deal with some of the misfortunes that happen on pvp servers


It’s only two more weeks of the intense world PVP and I’m going to be enjoying those two weeks as much as possible.

My guild has people raid logging until BGs are released. These people don’t plan to quit entirely though.

I’d love to have more horde who like PVP around, hell I spent 3 years running a guild with a huge PVP focus, there’s not much that can magically make that happen though.

A tauren, my, your a big one!

gnomish voice in head

All I needed to see. I’m off to the store to buy you a helmet and some crayons. Cya in a bit.


Ummm… At this point I recommend you just sit down and be quiet.


writes in journal

Dear Journal, OP was big baby man today.


It’s really telling when you actually don’t provide counter points, you just go for ad hominems.

Not even quality troll.


Ok, boomer.


OP says your all to Ignorant to have understood the reality of a PVP server.


Sure thing Zoomer. I enjoy that SS check. Keep slaving away fer me.
rocks in my chair


It’s insane how negative the replies are, when i’m actually firmly in the pvp servers are awesome camp (though i’d prefer free for all)

My point was simply that a lot of people made bad decisions that blizzard is probably largely at fault for, and i think it’d be better for everyone if they could transfer to PvE servers.

PvP servers should be for people who want to wpvp. Anyone who doesn’t should gtfo.


Uh, wasn’t your point that there should have been honor at launch?

Its not insane. You’re just wrong and can’t handle that fact because it deflates your ego. Its a psychological thing. Lots of people have issues with it.

I’ve thought on this… a lot.

i am a really loud opponent of what blizzard has allowed classic servers to become - they are too big to not have some kind of balance checks. it speaks to a general incompetence and lack of foresight and understanding of their own game and playerbase from modern blizzard, which has been a running theme in retail for the entirety of BFA and even before to an extent.

That said? the faction imbalance is absurd on whitemane and brm is a dumpster fire, but a lot of the mess has died down and is mostly avoidable. ive been making a point to join up with wpvp groups and we’ve been having some pretty impressive battle and taking out much larger groups of horde who are unaccustomed to fighting organized alliance groups. when we rode in to brm as a group for raid, we only died twice (and the first death was completely avoidable, but people were disorganized and not listening).

im having a lot of fun, so long as i avoid BRM when solo. i’ve even managed to get a few levels on my warlock alt and quested relatively unmolested in tanaris last night.

we still have some VERY loud criticism coming from some folks in our guild though who are determined to transfer away to a server that is looking poised to become heartseeker 2.0. i cant get on board. i just can’t. World pvp makes the world feel alive. It creates amazing rivalries. You start to recognize names and faces. Your server starts to make its own story and its own community. I still remember our vanilla rivalries. I’m forming some of my own on Whitemane.

But i can’t help but feel some of the loudest complainers really DONT want to play on a pvp server. They would have been happier in pve. Earthfury is quickly becoming the imbalance situation in reverse and I fail to see how this is any better for anyone.

You know the type - they make no attempt to participate in world pvp groups. When we ride to BRM as a raid, they corpse crawl in 2 hours before and complain about dying 20 times on the way in. They dont even try to make things better. They are just a constant, negative source of bad attitudes that just encourages other players to give up before they even start. Its self defeating and depressing. i quit retail because the world feels like a dead single player game. i dont want that for classic. I want these people to have an out before they turn every single server into a heartseeker or a skeram.


Blizzard is solely responsible for regulating balance in a PVP game.


My point was that P1 honor would have slowed down and stopped people from progessing on a PvP server. Thus what’s left is less people, but people who truly enjoy the content.

Lower population, slower leveling speeds.


OK boomer

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Thats because most of the people saying they played vanilla are either lying, or considering TBC or Wrath vanilla.

MOST of the people on this forum did not actually play vanilla.

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World pvp is a joke because of the imbalance and overpopulated servers, not because everyone whining doesn’t enjoy pvp.

Even some players on the dominate faction are complaining. I transferred because it sucked mindlessly zerging . I feel bad for all those alliance who have no choice but to quit atm.


All horde who have transferred to Heartseeker are based and have my utmost respect.