Wave that victim card harder, big guy. Bloviate on and on about how it hurts your delicate feefees to be forced to play a game with lesser mortals who are unwilling to submit to your malicious whims.
Normal drops adequate gear level for the difficulty, I just wish they were green instead of blue, so I could disenchant them for storm dust.
Talk about a reach. Again you’re clearly one crying victim.
If I was the victim shouldn’t be complaining about something.
Maybe if you spent more time playing the game and getting better at it you wouldn’t be crying about entry level content.
Why is that unrealistic? I’m not understanding your point. Anyone who grinds ilvl 554 gear long enough will eventually reach 551. It may not be fast enough for you and others with a gogogo mentality. But plugging away at it will eventually get anyone to 551. That’s how I did it in DF.
You wouldn’t need to fill all the slots, just most of them. My calculation is that having 2 slots at 535, 1 at 551, and the rest at 554 will give that magic number.
It’s faster if you target your bosses rather than do randoms. But I’m sure you know that.
I actually didn’t, of course. I got honor gear spamming epic bgs, and that’s good enough, as far as I’m concerned. If blizzard wants me to work 4 times as hard as you for less rewards, they need to get their heads back in the real world. That’s just telling me they don’t ever want me and others like me to reach that point. I can take the hint. Your wishes are coming true, a lot of players are deciding that the hamster wheel YOU were not required to use is not good enough.
WAAaahh! Baby Snozzy can’t take a reality check.
Can’t even construct English sentences. Is your first language Chinese? I have no idea what this means.
You’re not my dad, little boy. You sound like a miserable and desperately unhappy person who finds it more fun to insult people for not sitting their butts in their computer chairs as well as you do than playing the game. But I guess they had to bring out the D team on this issue. You always show up on D team issues when highly unpopular changes upset the people who pay for development of your content.
Oof, way to out yourself as illiterate.
Not at all. World Quests, Pet Battles and normal dungeons do not need gear.
Okay? So go do all the leisurely world content which still gets your item level up faster than dungeons do? That’s why it’s unrealistic.
That’s still 11 or 12 554s, presumably from dungeons. People didn’t do this. They had multiple sources, and used valorstones. This entire problem is a fabricated one.
Like I said, clearly it’s not fast enough for you. You’re in a danged hurry. But it is definitely doable. It didn’t take all that much time in DF seasons 3&4, just a day or so per character. I’m replying to the person who said it is impossible. That is a mathematically incorrect statement.
Sorry, I have a spreadsheet set up that will calculate by slot. You gear up your way. My way worked fine for me and others who chose to use it. C’est la vie.
You need to let go of the idea that the way you have chosen to play is the only possible way to play the game, and everyone who makes different choices than you, perfectly legitimate choices that are actually offered within the scope of the game, is doing life wrong and needs to be put down hard.
Just gotta say, the tribalism is strong. Blizzard couldn’t have riled up all the elitists to attack those they see as unworthy harder if that was the intent. So maybe it was the whole point. You do you. I see no reason to discuss this with anyone who can’t agree with that statement. It must be hard having to switch your rationalizations for putting people down every time the wind blows and reality shifts.
I’m not the one having an issue, Boomdoggle. I have no clue why you’re making this some “me vs you” nonsense.
I was comparatively lazy about gearing. I did a whole lot of nothing for weeks.
This has never been a thing, there were never any problems here, the game was always designed so that you could gear for heroics through normals, no one asked for this change, and Blizzard themselves has given no reason for it or addressed it at all. Additionally, it does create an inconvenience to a large number of players and forces them to alter how they spend their time and gold.
The mental gymnastics that a few select players are going through to defend Blizzard over what may very well still be a mistake/oversight that will eventually be patched is insane.
No one is saying it’s the end of the world or that there aren’t ways around it. All we are saying is that, if it’s intentional, it shouldn’t be a thing. If it’s not intentional, it needs fixed.
No one gives a flying rat’s behind how much you personally enjoy doing other content, or how much gold you have, or how “easy” you personally think it is. That’s not the point whatsoever.
For me personally, as a bit of a side note, it just adds insult to injury with other controversial changes and numerous bugs that have soured me on the game pretty quickly; it’s a cumulative effect.
Yes absolutely.
There are no ilvl requirements for m0 or m+ not should there be.
I recently came back and was surprised that Normal was not dropping any gear that you could use to progress towards heroics. I get you have to upgrade them but that seems a bit cheap imo.
I used to do:
Normal → Heroics → LFR → Normal Raid → Heroic Raid. (I don’t do any M+ stuff) or
Normal → Heroics → Normal Raid → Heroic Raid. I have a tendency to do LFR once or twice first so I can “practice”/learn fights.
You should be able to get a full normal dungeon set and go straight to heroic.
I mean in my opinion you shouldnt even need a full set.
Keep the casual at low item level forces them to go buy wow tokens to get gold to buy ah gear.
LFR exists. Casuals still need the gap filled who don’t run heroics so world quests are the catch up so they can do that content. The valor stone system fills in that gap.
Yeah… No. Delves.
Even LFR needs ilvl to enter…
And even so you need to get lucky with your rolls VS others that want the transmog.
So people can deny all they want because they are “casuals” that doesnt make them bad or anything it’s just the same names trying too hard to be edgy…
Amen, what this man said. Not much more to this discussion
Just remove heroics. M0/M2 fills it’s spot either way.