People are already being too picky with keys

I have literally done all of these keys in season 1 and 2 as 21+, yet that doesn’t seem to matter at all given I’m a paladin and that just simply cannot be in the eyes of the current pug viewpoint. I know its redundant to even argue about it, and I’ll probably just pug mine eventually, but oh boy is it annoying being declined constantly because of the class I play.


We’re you queueing as DPS?


It’s not a matter of being picky, you’re a DPS and when there’s more than 3 DPS applying to a key (and there’s usually MUCH more than that), someones gotta miss out.


I don’t think it’s about the class you play thats not getting invited, it’s the number of applicants. There’s been so many people to choose from that group leader can create whatever comp they want right now.


You have to whisper the party lead and say “don’t you know who I am??” And they will invite you. Works for me!


I qued as DPS, tank and heal, and not once was I invited, even though again I have played all three roles in high keys in previous seasons, even last season. It all just comes down to community perception and right now the community perception of paladins in general is poor. Also people keep mentioning volume, but some of these groups have been forming for 5+ minutes in some cases, its not about volume but how picky their being. Heck I’ve had two DM me along the lines of “LUL paladin”, and yes its very rare, but it does happen, similar to how I had a group troll invite me to kick me to say “LUL no leggo” months ago when I already had a leggo. Its just in general it seems like the collective mind of pugs slants in the direction of what the meta is.

They seem to be looking for niche classes and specs that the top end is playing right now. In which they seem to be waiting for 10+ minutes in some cases waiting for whatever niche their looking for to fill their key with.

At this point I’m just burnt and need to take a day off from the game, I’ll push my key in due time, or join up with some more guild runs to finish what I need for the week.

I’m free from Monday. I am happy to be your tank if you’d have me

It’s the name.

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i refuse to let any draeneis in my keys.

I have noticed as a healer when I start a group I get like 40 applicants in a few minutes, as a dps nobody signs up to 2-6 or so.

If you skip the 1st day, then people have already grinded out keys the plus 10… It has always been this way and you will just need to make your own key or keep going and applying for more runs.

This would be a lot more believable if you actually had zero keys done.

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You already have 1500 rating chief … thats not quite denied for everything.

Why do people do this? Lies or misinformation is so easily checked.



I’m game for anything I’ve not gotten into a key yet. Been doing the raid and world stuff. Definitely hitting that after work today! I’m down to farm!

It’s not because of the class you play. If you’re ret, that is meta. If you’re prot, it’s close enough. If you’re holy, well, it’s possible on holy, but not the keys you are applying to. If your main io isn’t from healer role, good players won’t invite you to heal. Also, tons of players don’t even use the raiderio app anymore ever since blizzard implemented their terrible version in game. IDK why they don’t use raiderio anyway, but they don’t. So they have no idea what you did last season.

I personally only care about someone’s score last season on their main, and their current item level being reasonable. Everything else is meaningless to me.

On the up side, your mog is outstanding!

Priorities people!

First time dealing with community perceptions?

Don’t worry, sometimes it’s better to get into a key with picky people than to get into a key with people who just invite anyone. Pugging is the same as it always has been, every now and then you’d end up with the floortank group lead, sometimes you’d end up with the amazing team that just blasts through it, sometimes you just end up waiting. There’s an add-on that helps with pugging, Premade Groups Filter, which means you’d be able to look through and see just who’s in the party already, if the group already has a ret there’s a good chance they won’t be trying to grab a second.

The problem is that there are more Rets than you can shake a stick at. They are everywhere. You will get into keys but you are going to have to wait longer. Warriors have the same problem. To gear faster you can tank. Or play another class.


RaiderIO tells quite a different tale.