People AFK in BGs too much

I’ve been doing the BG rounds recently since it’s been impossible to find arena partners and it feels like every other BG you have a lot of people AFK’ing the moment it looks like there’s a loss.

People also seem to get weirdly toxic about BGs, I was in an AB and some guy was non stop yelling at the healers for not healing him and then the healers started calling him out and then it just became a big toxic fight for no reason and people just started AFKing.

Kinda makes me not want to queue up anymore lol

The End.

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…How do you find time to play when you’re always making doom posts?


Wwlcome to wow pvp. People have been afking in bgs since original tbc. Only time you couldnt afk was original wow and then people just account shared.

I don’t make doom posts? Idk waht that even means lol.

Yeah t’s been pretty miserable experience ngl, PvP is really not a thing in any MMO it seems. I figured arenas would be fun but its so hard to find a good healer pug.

Literally every post you make is about how bad this is, or how bad that is. “WRATH IS DYIIIINNNNG”

That’s you. every. day.


Actually, that’s you. every. twenty. minutes.

Except I don’t though? I just post my thoughts and opinions, no one is forced to interact with them if they don’t want to lol

Dude… you made this thread thread titled " What’s the point of grinding in Wrath if Cata is coming out?

and you claim to not know what doom posting is? k.

I’m not the first to call you out, wont be the last. 9/10 things you post, are super negative, or divisive, or just down right ridiculous.

Did you even read that post? I go into my thinking and explain why I feel that way and tons of people agreed with me as well, that’s not what a doom post is.

I have never outright said Wrath is going to die, I only ever speak my mind about my thoughts and opinions on the state of the current game.

If it’s too much for people to handle then simply don’t engage, you’re not forced to read my posts and comment.

Well they shouldn’t have made it where you have to do 100bgs to get a full set

Didnt you have a friend that want to do arena?

Flag every Garmuck thread.

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Yeah this is also a big problem with Wrath PvP in general, tons of people still grinding to gear. Thankfully in Dragonflight they’re removing all of that grind, it’s gonna bring a ton more people back including me.

He quit, Wrath got too boring for him. Now I’ve been stuck trying to pug forever now.

He’s afking BGs to make these posts.


I just stopped queueing tbh.

It happens when they come to the realization that half / two thirds of their team are bots.


I just wanted to say that it’s almost scary the amount of schizophrenic rambling you produce on these forums, and if there was a way to either block your posts or get you banned i would do it instantly.
You are quite genuinely a crazy person.

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Lmao overreact much? There’s an ignore button, I block a lot of trolls on the forums. Feel free to remove me off your list.

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