Pénsive [A] on Pagle server looking for more

<Pénsive[A]> We are a social guild welcoming community-minded members. We offer an environment that is geared toward mature adults without toxicity or overt vulgarity. We have a non-discriminatory environment with friendly players and mature officers. We provide Discord, grouping together for dungeon runs and a work around guild bank. Rank advancement based on participation and just overall friendly attitude.

Pensive strives to be mature and chill guild where guildies get away from stressors of real life. As such, we keep chat clear of vulgarity, begging for speed leveling, gold, carrying, politics, religion, and other toxic topics. We are laid back in the respect that all members play what they want - how they want, when they want - with the same full guild support, friendship and camaraderie. Members are helpful, kind, supportive and fun. Leadership and Officers are mature and responsive.
For more information contact:
Willowfae - GM Bnet Bondra #11498 Or Katryna - AGM Bnet Catie1140#1599 or Bezee - AGM Bnet Slizzy#1546

Always looking for mature friendly players.

Always looking for Mature Community Minded Players. Laid back, nondiscriminatory environment, free from toxicity, begging and vulgarity. Whether you are still leveling, grinding BiS or altoholic you will find friends in Pénsive.

This sounds like the type of guild I would love to be a part of! Is your guild currently recruiting.

Also, my original toons are from Dalaran as well!

Hello Abrakad :slight_smile:
We are always recruiting like minded people. Check out our more recent thread Real life commitments come first

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